Psychologists tell the mind by looking at the face

in #steemexclusivelast year

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Let's tell a story before psychologists know how the face tells the mind. Ashfia is waiting for the serial with her girlfriend outside the psychologist's chamber. Recently her boyfriend ended their relationship, which she cannot accept at all. So he came here. While talking to his girlfriend, he asked Ashfia a question that psychologists can tell the mind by looking at the face, do you know anything about this? Ashfia said she wasn't sure, but she had heard that too.

That question of Ashfia's girlfriend comes to our minds. Especially when we meet a psychologist or psychology student, it definitely comes. However, Achafia entered the psychologist's room, thinking that the psychologist could tell the mind by looking at the face. The psychologist listens very carefully as she shares her story. Be non-judgmental or neutral towards him. Shows sympathy towards her and promises to keep all her words completely confidential so that Achfia gets an ideal environment to speak her mind. As she shared the words of her pain, the psychologist was revealing the feelings that might be brewing in Ashfia's mind. Sometimes after telling the events very briefly asked Ashfia to know if he said right? Ashfia agrees with the psychologist and says, yes you are absolutely right. You really understand my pains. To be honest, no one really understands me. No one listens to me. Everyone blames me because it's all my fault! Achafia cried a lot while saying this. Then many more things were shared. After the counseling session, Achfia told her friend that psychologists can really tell the mind by looking at the face. This reached the ears of many others. You heard too. From now on, when you see psychologists, don't forget to ask questions about what's going on in your mind.

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Now let's know how psychologists tell the mind by looking at the face? Those who actually work as psychologists have a degree in an applied discipline of psychology and practical work experience. Their chambers have an atmosphere where anyone can speak openly. They establish a good professional relationship with the service receivers by using their professional skills first. Psychologists usually keep a watchful eye on various aspects of counseling services, from client phone calls to counseling sessions. They also monitor various aspects of the service receivers during the counseling sessions. For example, age, gender, race, body shape and posture, eye contact, clothing, grooming, manners, attention, facial expressions, unusual movements, rate and rhythm of speech, tone of voice, spontaneity of speech, stability of emotions, appropriateness and intensity of emotions. . Content of thoughts include suicidal ideation, death wish, depression, doubt tendency, hallucination, reasoning etc. In addition, they look at various factors including the presence of awareness of the service recipient's own illness, place, time and container.

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They take information about the client's major difficulties, developmental information, family information, relationships with family members, history of past physical and mental illnesses, and other necessary information. which serves as supplementary material to understand the state of mind of a service recipient. From these data the psychologist gets a clear idea about a person's personality. The person who comes to receive the service continues to tell his stories but usually expresses less of his feelings. When the client shares his pain, the psychologist tries to put himself in the client's shoes to find out what the client's real feelings might be. Later conveys the feeling to the service recipient so that he can understand his feelings. The client then feels at one with the psychologist and says that you really understand my state of mind. And to do this psychologists do not resort to any make-believe behavior other than applying their training.

Psychologists can tell your emotional state not by looking at your face but by looking at you with their professional skills.