Post SteemFest3 Thoughts

in #steemfest6 years ago

Thoughts from a bus


As I am writing this, I am on a bus to Romania, a bus that goes through Vienna and a few other countries first, before heading towards my home, which makes the whole ride somewhere around 18 hours, a thing that gives me enough time to think about everything that happened in Krakow, at SteemFest3, this past week. I met a bunch of fucking people in these few days, I’ve had a shitload of great experiences, and genuine conversations with people so, now, that I have to leave, I kinda feel a bit sad. Sad but, also very happy because this last week made me not just understand at a rational level but to deeply realize the fact that against all the so-called bad stuff that are happening on this platform, we’re still a community, a strong, engaged, and simply fucking amazing community.

We might have a lot of issues on the blockchain, the prices might be completely horrible, some things might still be rigged but, against all that, we can still meet together, in one place, and have a great time together. For me, SteemFest was not a place to “network,” to do business but, to meet a bunch of existing friends, to make a lot more new ones, and just to have an amazing time with all of them. When I went to SteemFest, I didn’t know what to expect; I was hoping to have a lot of fun, but, I ended up getting a lot more than I was ever expecting. Some people were there only for the business aspect of SF, and that’s perfectly fine, kudos to them for making epic projects; I had my fair share of networking as well but, my main goal was to have fun the whole time, and that’s exactly what I did.

I can’t believe that I was considering not attending at some point due to financial reasons and this bloody market but, I am so thankful that I got a free ticket from @smooth because, thanks to that, I probably had the time of my life.

At this moment I don’t give a fuck about that metaphor that Steem might be another Myspace, I don’t give a damn about this shitty market, and the low rewards that we’re getting due to it since, regardless of what happens, I know for sure that we have a community here, and that’s probably the most important thing for a social platform. I will never be able to explain SteemFest to somebody that never attended it, not through stories, not through pictures, not to clips, it’s one of those things that you can only understand by experiencing it, and I’m forever thankful that I attended.

I remember that for the whole week I was saying “God, I love Poland” and “Gotta love Poland” but, what I really meant to say is that I love SteemFest, and more especially the people that attended SteemFest. I am a bit sad that it’s over, I hate breakups, they are never easy but, I suppose that this is just the circle of life; you meet people, you have fun, then you leave, and you meet other people. Maybe you will meet those people again; maybe you will not but, the only thing you can do is to hope and look forward towards the next year, towards the next SteemFest!

This post is becoming a bit melancholic so, I’ll just say thank you to everybody that attended SteemFest, thank you to everybody that decided to have a genuine conversation with me, and more importantly, thank you for making me feel like I am part of something bigger, part of a community family. Also, special thanks to @roelandp, and his team for organizing such a brilliant event, it was just perfect.

You are all amazing, you know who you are, way too many names to drop in here, and I’m really looking forward to meeting you again next year, and hopefully even sooner.

I love you all and don’t forget, don’t fucking die!

P.S: I feel a bit like a soy boy for writing such a dramatic post.

P.S.2: At the moment of publishing this, I have about 14 hours left before I get home but, at least I took the best seats in the whole bus, and I have free wifi, and electricity.

Thumbnail picture by @timsaid

New Gif.gif


Did we meet during Steemfest? Your name sounds familiar but I don't recognise this soy boy!

Love you<3

I think so. I think you're the girl with the nudes, right? Oh, yeah, now I remember you, I had a blast that night.

No, you must mistake me with someone else. I was wearing a turtleneck all week! I'm a good girl!

Yeah, now I know who you are, you're EveCovered, the girl that was wearing all those clothes. I think we might have spoken a few times; you're pretty boring tho.

It was awesome meeting you and hanging out! I'm grateful that @smooth gave you a ticket cause you're one of the most awesome people I've met there!

Thank you, man, I really appreciate the words! It was, for sure, a lot of fun to meet you as well and have all those chats; you're an epic guy yourself! Looking forward to the next SteemFest.

Such a soyboy!

Looking forward to sharing some palenka again man!

Lots of soy boys on this blockchain.

More Palinka? You hated it, motherfucker. But, for sure, I'll bring more next SF. :)))

Nah, I said it's quite good, just don't like to down five shots in a row, haha!

I'll bring some proper Belgian beers than!

After 5 it starts to taste better, the more, the merrier! Looking forward to that beer, any free beer is good. :)

Was awesome finally getting meet ya my man. You can party with the best of us, hope ya have a safe journey home!

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It was, for sure; glad you guys stumbled upon me. The journey back home was pretty good; I can't complain about it too much. :)

Aww man my plane ride ride over the Atlantic sucked ass! Had an aisle seat so sleep was eluded and wanted lol

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I love you man! Great post.

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Back in the UK and the Xmas shit is in full fucking flow.

It's all BS, ezp. In contrast to the last week.

You're freaking epic too, mate! Oh, shit, I completely forgot that Christmas is in about a month. Yeah, that's probably because it's nothing compared to SteemFest. :)

Quite literally - Xmas folds when it's up against steemfest's hand. It's got no chance!

That actually helped me with the Norwegian underwear model I sat nxt to on my return flight...

Physical perfection yet she 'loved Xmas'.

I fucking hate it!

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An underwear model? Hmm, I guess that was quite fun. Just tell her to join Steem, only so you can flag her posts. ;)

Check out the link in my last post.. her swag, honesrly..

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Damn right, she's got some looks. You lucky motherfucker, I'm sure that was quite a decent flight. :)

I don't think we crossed paths unfortunately, and I failed miserably at scanning so even if we exchanged a conversation probably I forgot half ot the times... But that only proves that what I initially thought it was a long time, fell too short... I came back home with the feeling of having not have the chance to meet so many. Had a great time! Writing my recap now

I think we might have bumped into each other once or twice but nothing too in-depth, I know I was running around the whole place interacting with Steemians. I completely gave up on scanning, not really my thing but, looking back, I would've liked to have met a lot more new people to be honest. Nevertheless, it was an amazing experience!!

Had lots of fun with you. Hope you found some new leather shoes in Poland 😂😂

hahha that's what I noticed from his picture, He has a pair of sleek shoes!

Those are my old ones; I also bought something new from Poland, they have plenty of cool stuff there.

As well! I, indeed, found some nice leather boots, more on that later, I think. :)

lol looking forward to your update on that :)

Glad meeting you - even though you held thumbs for the wrong poker player! ;)

Of course, mate, it's great to put a face behind the username, good times. Hey now, Liz had everything needed to win, the chips, the coach, and the "Poker for Dummies" book. That's a winning combination right there. :D

So gay, bro...:P
But I guess you're a decent dude.

Shut up, boy, I'm an asshole.

Are we going to go through this again? :P
A decent sort of asshole. And don't call me boy, biatch :p

Yeah, yeah, if you say so, boy!

Let's face it, I'm just trying to be nice to you. Someone has to...

I am not sure if we talked, forgot to scan half of the times, I do not care about the poñrices as content creator I made a new audience here and became very engaged with some friends, I did not expect to be able to afford to go but I won a raffle late time to perform, I did not focused in networking, I stumbled randomly with friends old and new. Still digesting the intensity of it. Ready to dive down into dark waters, we shoal and rise.

I won a ticket myself, and I am extremely thankful for that because, without it, I am not sure I would've been able to attend. I focused on having fun most of the times, even if I might have ended up doing some networking without my intent. I'm glad we shared this experience, even if we didn't interact much with each other.