Minnows Helping Minnows - I’m Giving Away A SteemFest Ticket To A Minnow - Nominate Someone In Comments

in #steemfest6 years ago (edited)

Meet me at SteemFest 2018 in Kraków

Yep, that’s right.. I’m doing something crazy. Shocking right? Anyone who knows me knows that I have this horrible habit for standing up for what I believe in.. so, I’ve decided to be the change I want to see here.

After much thought about some of the individuals that want to attend #SteemFest, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I wanted to do something about it. Now, I know what you are thinking.. Didnt you enter a contest to win a ticket? Yes, a couple in fact. I was pretty clear that either way I am going though, and because of the simple life I choose to live.. I am lucky enough to have a bit of savings to cover the trip until I can repay it will my future Steem earnings here. I plan to pay for the whole trip in Steem and all rewards are going towards that. I believe in Steem long term and therefore know this is possible.

I have received so much support and encouragement and it makes me want to give back. I just haven’t been able to shake this gut desire to help someone else go... someone, who like myself, is just a small fish trying to do what’s right here.

So, when I went to go purchase my ticket.. my gut wouldn’t shut up and I bought two 😱. I did make the purchase in fiat because I just think selling Steem right now is not something I want to do. I would rather keep it invested in the platform for now.

EDIT: To clarify, I have purchased 2 tickets with my own USD, with the intention of giving one away. I have not used any donations, Steem earned here or winnings for this. I have received a ton of support and yes all of that will be used to fund my trip, but this is something separate.

Here is what I am looking for;

  • Someone who invests in the platform by powering up, rather then taking all profits out.

  • Someone who supports others, through engagement and uplifting of other valuable individuals here. Not just someone who comments and upvotes on their own posts... but someone who really try’s to help others.

  • Someone who has worked hard to build up their account but is still considered, small by some standards.

  • Someone who supports communities and positive initiatives in more ways then one.

  • Someone who is adding value, even if it’s behind the scenes. Sure posting everyday is great, but many people do a ton for this place while not taking any credit for themselves and are always in the shadows. I see you guys. 😉

This is only for the Steemfest ticket so they need to already have transportation and accommodations covered.

Know anyone who fits that description?

Place their name in a comment below!

I will be digging into every nomination, so what you say about the person is great.. but I’m going to be looking at their actions.. what they really do. Also, I’m a curator.. so I’m great at digging.

I will be judging this contest solely on what I want in a winner, so.. my ticket my rules.. no butthurt y’all!

I will be deciding in the next few days, so make your nominations quickly. I already have a few people in mind so the winner may not even be listed here, just a heads up. I did want to open it up though to more people, because there may be some kick ass Minnow out there I haven’t come across yet.

Tickets are already purchased... I just need a deserving name to go on the second one.

So, who’s it gonna be???

Much love and #Steem-on,


Also, this was a total freewrite announcement.. I know it’s not my prettiest post, but hey that’s not the point today


Among many minnows I know, I nominate @jeanpi1908. He did community work through curating german posts, translating Steemit FAQ in french, and has been an active curator for OCD as well. He's a bright young man with so much to offer for the community. On another note, I also resonate with his situation being a student, wanting to go but with limited financial means. It would be really great to have him attend steemfest3!!

Thank you for nominating me. I also have the possiblity to pay for the travel expenses and I already have a place to stay.

Seconded. He's friendly and helpful on Discord, too.

That is SO amazing of you! Whoa! This inspires me so much - maybe after SteemFest3 I can set money aside for SteemFest4 and once I funded one try to sponsor a ticket as well. You rock.

I would love to see a ticket go to @raj808 - He is very committed on going even though the financial challenges he faces, and he has some great ideas for supporting writers via SMT's which shows his 'business' mind and support for the future of Steem plus the communities as well.

Just my 2 cents! I'm sure you'll pick the right winner! <3 There are so many deserving people my stomach would hurt just to think about choosing :')

Thank you so much for the nomination Soyrosa, I really appreciate it!

It is true that financial pressure is my biggest issue at the moment. I'm gonna make a post in the next few days showing my latest insane financial saving to be sure of getting to SteemFest 3. I'm still rocking the brown rice/spinach diet ;-).... But I did treat myself to a loaf of bread the other day. Ha ha, I might have even splashed out on some butter. Mnnnnnn carbs

Great initiative @llfarms to stand up for the minnows that want to go to Steemfest!


Thank you ❤️

I'm convinced @evecab fits your description perfectly!

Thanks @anomadsoul, it's very nice of you to nominate me =) Even if you don't pick me @llfarms I think it's a great thing you're doing! Thumbs up to you!!!! You Rock!

I agree with Eric... big time actually.

thanks @meno! Coming from you that means a LOT!!! =)

I would also love to nominate @princessmewmew - she's coming to SteemFest all the way from South Africa which if you look at conversion rates versus median income in SA alone means the ticket prices are crazy to even consider - but she is committed on coming anyway. (And not alone, her husband will come too, so that's actually two tickets/flights for one household.)

She's a very uplifting person that not only creates fun and cheerful content on the topics that matter most to her, she's also doing a daily 'Post of the Day' curation effort within the #adsactly community, hosting a Minnow Radio Show on Friday nights with our colleague @broncofan99, and I know she personally mentors both friends and others 1-on-1 trying to improve their writing - basically getting Plankton who earn 0 cents to stay because they see actual improvements in their posts and thus support.

She's a real 'behind the scenes' kind of woman because she doesn't portray most of what she does to uplift others on her blog - but I personally see the positivity she spreads all over.

She's certainly someone to consider <3 I personally can't wait to hug her.

Oh this is so kind of you! We haven’t bought our tickets yet because the lonnng journey is very expensive and we are praying we can make it! (Edit - we will make it even if we have to skip dinners lol)

I really appreciate this, a ticket would make such a difference to us!

I hope my actions will speak louder than my posts (lol) As you say i don’t really post about the peeps I help but I love steemit and fully believe in its future! 💓💓

You are an amazing human @soyrosa , you don’t know how much this means to me xxx

A great choice!

Apart from being a super nice person, @princessmewmew is coming from such a distance that this would surely ease up the expenses. I second that nomination! :)

Oh shucks Guy. Making me blush. Thanks so much for your kind words

I would suggest @raj808. He is a great guy doing lots for steemit both online and offline and really wants to go - even considering selling his kidney for that ticket!

Thank you so much for the nomination svemirac, I really appreciate it!

It is true that financial pressure is my biggest issue at the moment but I've put plans on hold to sell a Kidney ;-) I'm gonna make a post in the next few days showing my latest insane financial saving to be sure of getting to SteemFest 3. I'm still rocking the brown rice/spinach diet ;-).... But I did treat myself to a loaf of bread the other day. Ha ha, I might have even splashed out on some butter. Mnnnnnn carbs

Thanks again mate!

Great initiative! I would like to recommend @raj808 and I truly believe this guy should go to festival. He is active Steemian involved in different community projects, but he also have a great plans with WritCoin project based on future SMT technology. He already started with pitching his idea and discussing it with fellow bloggers. Going to SteemFest may be his chance to make important contacts and conections and get some good wind for his future work. I dont have to say that his plans can contribute to the balance of whole steem ecosystem - and improve the position of authors and other stakeholders in publishing industry.

Thank you so much for the nomination hidden84, I really appreciate it!

he also have a great plans with WritCoin project based on future SMT technology.

In regards to that, keep an eye on @sndbox blog as I will have a post/presentation being published through them soon. It is still a developmental type of thing, a post to clarify more about the idea and a potential Dapp attached to it. Ha ha, also it's calling out for poss dev/coder types to help a creative writing loon like me make it all a reality. But I do have plenty of time left to research SMT's. Steemfest for me would be a chance to both get advice and information and maybe (if lucky) delegation support for the project. We shall see what happens.

Thanks again for the support mate!


I can't think of any else who epitomizes all of the characteristics you detailed above.
Having only known him a short time I already know how passionate he is about Steem, how much he helps newbies like myself and even how much he gives out of his own pocket to make some of these projects work

I totally agree but i dont know if he would be able to go still since it is so far. I have talked to him about it and it's still at least $1000 for flights and hotels.

OUCH yeah that would be a deterrent =(

I would love for him to go and he deserves to be there. Maybe everyone in @helpie could raise funds for flights.

Great idea

Someone with some clout (as in not me) should do a post for raising funds for him to attend.

I'd gladly do it but no one would see the post LOL

I'm also not a minnow... It has to be someone little but big of the heart, I'm afraid..

However, thank you brother...

Sorry you don't get off that easy

According to the Here is What I'm Looking For section above:
Someone who has worked hard to build up their account but is still considered, small by some standards.

That fits, whether you have the title of minnow or not.

There can be no better representative, nor one as deserving as you

Pack your bags, some how, some way this is going to happen

@Evecab fits the description 100%, As I wrote in the blocktrades contest:

@evecab is a the Steemian you will get as she shows herself, honest, fun and genuine. These qualities are very important and rare for a Steemian and even more so for a community creator. Eve has helped me since the beginning of @promo-mentors and even in bad times (including the bear market), her activity has stayed the same. She is a person who is very fun to talk to and you'll see that she affects groups very positively with her genuine interest in getting to know people.

She builds, engages and is fun. What can you ask more of a Steemian!

Go give that ticket to @hiddenblade and go meet up already!

I would love to! But nah, give that to others, as I will have to fight some people in the government just to get visa and all those papers lol. Thanks for nominating me :P