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RE: [save the date] SteemFest³ - Kraków, Poland: 7/8/9/10/11 November (+ Hotel Packages now available)

in #steemfest6 years ago

I've researched this for quite some time.

You can fly from anywhere in Europe with daily flights. Most of them lowcost airlines. Also direct flights daily from international Dubai Hub. Many people (including myself) take change-overs when travelling.

Last year saw people from afai remember 38 countries. There are only 28 in the European Union. People from every continent came to SteemFest.

If it is really 20 hours for you, that means you are quite far away from anywhere Europe! Most flights to Krakow from anywhere in Europe take 1 - 2.5 hours tops.

And about the Ether Devcon: I'm obviously not going to Ether Devcon myself. I'm by then already in Kraków.. - I just mention it here because last year SteemFest and Devcon were at the same time which gave some friction. And now you can actually go to both (should you want to).


Warsaw would be better, cheaper and easier for everybody

Krakow is cheaper :)

Unless you live in Europe its going to be very long and far for a ton of people coming from Canada or the USA . and expensive. Why dont you at least give an example of what say someone like me living in Kelowna British Columbia Canada would pay in Canadian dollars to fly to Steemfest and how much hastle or time it would take to get there!? thanks, I look forward to your response. Im sure I would have to fly and transfer in eigther Toronto or im not far from Vancouver. I bet I would have to spend over 2 whole days maybe 3 just traveling time. ✈✈✈😩

what is ur international airport ms mckersie?
and.... why bet when we have Skyscanner?

a reasonable flight is total trip time 13hrs and 40 mins and will set you back 634 € (or Cad 978) and the cheapest is 620 € but has about 2 hours extra on the way to Krakow.

from vancouver your flight would be most probs change over in Toronto with a direct flight from there.

see below my search results.

i understand this is about double the flight time and price to get to EU. but that will all be easily compensated with a way cheaper hotel (u easily save 50% or more vs Americas) and ticketprice to the event which will be undoubtly about 30% of what it would have costed when having the event in the americas.

please check and also - if u have time and are in a wander mood be sure to add destination airports such as Katowice and Warszaw.

ping me on - i am a hobby travel / flight / trip planner and hacking that is what I like to do!


Thank you so much for the information @roelandp ! You are awesome! its just to long for me on a plane with lower back issues, and will be way to expensive for me this year, I would need most likely 2,500.00 dollars at least to cover everything, so I will try to start saving now haha, for maybe next years Event.
One of these years I will make it to Steemfest Lol! Have a great time my friend! And everyone else!✈✈✈✈

if it makes you feel any better, from australia, its 25 hours
and thats why steemfest will never be held here :(

that and the things that are trying to kill us XD

Wow! That's way to long,I could never afford it anyways!👍😒

Posted using Partiko Android

Why do you keep downvoting my posts you little twat ? Fuck off my blog if you don't like it.

please elaborate? i havent downvoted or visited your blog afaik. thank you.

ive visited ur blog to analyse. i have actually only upvoted ur blog a couple of times as i support the art hashtag. i am really sorry i have UPvoted ur content.

im sure to remove my vote as apparently u cant appreciate the UPvotes i gave u.

Sorry this was meant for somebody else lol my bad bro, u did only upvote I copied the wrong name on my GINABOT lol you have all rights to call me a dick now lol sorry again.

this got weird hihi

I feel pretty dumb lol

Shit happens. You apologized so hopefully @roelandp forgives you. I'm a nobody but will check out your blog all on the account of you making a mistake. Guess, maybe you should do that more often. (No, really don't do this.)