
Great advice!!
I'm not that active on Steemit and i dont post often, i just post what makes me "me" haha and just hope people like it.
I should be a little more active, but im not really a social media kind of guy.
This is kind of my first real social media platforms.
Already been more active here then any other platform besides Playstation.
The feeling of the freedom to post what i want is enough reward for me.
It is also the reason i joined steemit in the first place.
Saw a youtube clip from i think
Have been hookt on steemit ever since!!
Have a nice day!!
(Edit:Sorry for the long comment got a bit excited haha)

Your comment was worth a big upvote....especially since you say that you don't post much. Well, yeah, the fact that I can say whatever the fuck I want to, or post what I want, is really freeing! I have been censored by Facebook on doesn't feel good!

I love to post things about my Cannabis hobby sometimes to, but sadly even here in the Netherlands its stil not really socially excepted, i dont know if suckbook would censor it haha, but also a lot of people who are stuck in one mind set still use Facebook even after their abomination of a TOS.
That is also something i cannot understand.
Sorry to hear you were censored by them!
But you are the one laughing now i geuss haha!!
Have a nice day!!

Love your attitude @stellabelle. Steemit is kinda like the global minnows the 99 percenters and Facebook like government. I see/predict/forecast that in time to come this power will shift, and Steemit will become the Whale of social media empowering the minnows like you and me and general society and FB much like government and other big greedy social media sites will fall away and wither into relative obscurity. Since discovering Steemit I hardly even visit FB, this will become prevalent more and more across the board and in times to come as people learn what you and I as well as all other Stemians do. 'Times are certainly a changin' and it really is all thanks to Crypto's and Steemit and naturally the wonderful people backing it all. The future certainly does look bright. Cheer$;)



I saw the post he made about you, and my word, it was breath taking.

I was speaking with a friend about Terry and he made a statement that most times his works could be liken to that of encyclopedia.
He capped up be saying, he is really surpassing google.

I could write a whole post on him and his uniqueness. I found a maze of mind who finds no joy in himself but force the joy upon others.

That is how he works, it is quite queer, yet amazing.
It is all about the heart, it doesnt matter if one is a whale or not, what matters according to him is the mentality.
Terry has risen the bar, he has touched lives. And truth is, the sky is just his starting point.

I am glad to see you are handling yourself well. Your mind is a great asset to the company, and we need it at full steem.

Keep being you @stellabelle. Steemit cares.

Thanks for that. The truth is I have been forming the contents of my next big project. It's taken me months of visualizing and planning...there's no need for pity, or poor feelings. My mind has been quite busy.....and launching a Steem School too....for me, it's time to really give back to Steem, and the whales who were so good to me.....

Oh. You are welcome maam. Good to know that it is indeed being put to great use.

The giving principle you have conceptualise, i have no doubt, would be a success. Keep steeming.

Thanks alot for the tips @stellabelle

I just might post a dance video very soon. It will be my first video post on steemit.

really, I think i would just go into posting short video of my solo drama, poetry and short stories very soon. hmmmm. Never thought of this until I read the part of your post that talked about the "crazy dance video". The idea just struck me immediately!

Now, that's how ideas are tapped. I hope to start very very soon!!! wow!!

I am really glad for this sudden inspiration.

thank you @stellabelle

ok, when you post your crazy dance video, please put a link to it in the comments....and ping me on steemit chat.

I will! Thank you @stellabelle

advance congratz for your first ever video hehe :) btw my first video will also come seems like right now to busy but when i get time will make it ! and i will also wait for your video :)

You should check out what @aineyann did with Moonbeam on her blog. Totally awesome. I wish I had the talent to do such. And her voice is so soothing and clear. I just love Ainey for that poem.

"Best just treat everyone like a golden whale"
This is exactly what I always did and will do in future, bcs it is not just about them. I am the one that misses an opportunity to find a pearl in a shell burried under the mud of spam (which is unfortunately a huge problem on steemit). The same effort I put in my posts, I put into the search for "satisfying" content, may it be educating or entertaining. And therefore the number next to a nickname is not important. Rep lvl can indicate quality, but not guarantee. And this helped me to find really nice people with the same "wavelength".

Mam, one amazing thing about you is just the call in your speech. The way you go about it to get attention still wonders me. If I have to imitate all you write, I would gladly do it. Just now I found out one thing I've missing on which have been affecting my growth coupled with my busy days. I've put them down to work on. Also @surpassinggoogle motivates me. I don't want to miss out on his either.
Maybe I don't have a whale heart but I think I have the mind. So the my mindset is always doing things to see others grow which I found as the bedrock and a path to whale city.
Thanks for always motivating me.

When @surpassinggoogle tagged your name in his reply to my post I wasn't able to catch that right away, but when i checked on you just now, read your short description and this article I understand why @surpassinggoogle created that massive post for you, because you're also a marvelous writer. 😊😊😊

Thanks for the encouraging words for us minnows..@stellabelle I really appreciate it. Followed and resteemed 😘😘😘

Curious about the bot you are creating for yourself?

Are you having someone code this for you and will it run off this account ?

Steemwhales, upvote bots etc are totally addicting lol But I fear its damaging the entire system steemit was founded on.

However my mindset now is if I don't play the game how it is today I will quickly fall behind.

I'll be working with someone here to create an upvote bot and the reason is...I can't keep up with manual voting at this stage of the game! I forget to vote for people.....that's the reason.

I can't keep up with manual voting at this stage of the game!

Thanks @stellabelle for shining a light on why an auto-vote would be purposeful. I think this helps many new Steemians understand the flood of auto voting on some posts.


My friend created another bot, too which I will be will be released in a bit by him....

Which friend so I can check out the update. Really look forward to this and being of any help as possible. Thanks :D

I like it :)
What a coincidence because​ I​ posted​ 15 Minutes ago something similar.
With your post, ​I​ feel confirmed.

Being a whale starts from the inside and it is possible to be one without a lot of steempower. At least in my opinion.

The Minnows of today are the whales of tomorrow.

Thanks for sharing this encouraging post.

I've learned the most about steemit and the community because of you @stellabelle .. Ill never forget the feeling I had pace through my chest when I saw the article you featured me in. its funny how things like that have given me more hope with my future ,passions and goals more then anything I've experienced since high school. I found a place I come where I have friends! real freakin friends!!! I'm part of something here. I love this place more then anything and I see so much opportunity and creativity... my friends in the "real world" are giving me so much shit for spending all this time here and quite frankly I could care less happy here. I see what this world is coming to and I see what this world needs more of !

Don't worry, pretty soon your real friends will come to you from Steemit. I am at a point of rebuilding true friendships, and they are all coming from the crypto world. The other friendships that don't evolve with me, will fall away, or just remain in a neutral, placid state.

I agree and I already have a few friends that I know if I was in an emergency I could reach out to them for help and guidance. its truly magical.. its only been not even 2 months. I'm overwhelmed with emotion because of it. you've been nothing but supportive for me .. u give me guidance here whether its direct or through your posts. you believe in my bizarre creative tendencies.. thank you . you've been a day 1 supporter of mine and I consider you my friend. I hope u feel the same way and I'm really looking forward to the weird portion of the show. I'm always ready to collaborate with you so as soon as you say go I'm throwing my poop aside to get cray cray .. stay golden pony girl. talk soon

Yes, the show is still on. I have picked out the "crazy" episode stuff.........we will talk soon, perhaps this week.

Awesome as always @stellabelle

I already had plans to do dancing gif though...
Sometimes steemit can be too serious

Learnt my lesson with upvote bots the hard way.
Yeah they could be addictive.
There was this particular bot last week
I was consistently loosing money and yet I did use it anyway.

>Friendships based on true bonds will pay you more than any upvote bot. Every time