English Idioms and Phrases - Sound and think like a native speaker?

in #steemhunt4 years ago (edited)

English Idioms and Phrases

Sound and think like a native speaker?



Hunter's comment

Idioms are an important part of language learning. This is what distinguishes a competent speaker and gives you a distinct advantage in casual conversation. So let's get this party started!
Study idioms, memorize while playing, keep track of your progress, and become an expert at juggling idioms!




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Idioms not only spice up your English language speaking, it also makes you be self-confident. What a great tool to have with you

i think this will help you creating articles as well

I actually tried this one it helps me in a lot of ways

Borrado, me habían jackeado la cuenta y había perdido el control de la misma por haber hecho clic en una publicación similar a esta, por eso le pido por favor a cualquiera que vea este tipo de publicación, sea con mi nombre o el de cualquier otra persona hacer caso omiso y no darle clic, evite ser estafado o que vallan a hacer uso de su persona para perjudicar a otros.