in #steemit-help7 years ago (edited)

Hello! Wishing you a very warm welcome to Steemit! My name is Alex and I have been here for four months now, learning the ropes and sharing many things from my ideas and experiences. I've also met more amazing people on Steemit than I would have ever imagined, and am happy to tell you that Steemit is a very special community of people from all walks of life.

I lead a small group called the @ecoTrain. We support things and people that Help To Make The World A Better Place, and that includes you! So we have banded together this week and have all written the best and most helpful advice we can for you! We have all written pretty amazing and helpful posts and I would like to share them all with you here! There are eight messages for you in all, and I think its great to be able to read from a few peoples perspectives. I think you will find there are some common themes between us all, and so I hope our messages of help and advice inspire you and help you to be a happy and engaging new addition to the community!


A VERY warm welcome to you @Steemit-user ! Congratulations for joining the first social network of its kind, and also for figuring out how to write an introductory post! As you can see, there isn't that much exact guidance about how to use Steemit or indeed exactly what it is!



This question was posted in our @ecoTrain group for our question of the week. I struggled with this one as it's not the deep philosophical writing we sometimes do. However, it is a very important question...



We've all been the new person before. In fact its an interesting sociological point that many people in a group, even the majority, can feel like they are new like they don't fit in yet, like they don't belong, etc. Well, welcome to Steemit! You belong here!



I have been on Steemit for just under 3 months so I am relatively new to it. However, there are some great unmissable aspects of Steemit I have learnt about that I'd like to share with you, as a new user.



We all came here for the same thing, there is no lie for that and there isn't a way to sugar coat it. The money speaks at the end of the day. But there is something more to money on the blockchain and if one is to look purely for money here, hed waste the potential of steemit.



Welcome to steemit! Ready to roll? Though you might have been lured here by the promise of quick riches, it might be better for your mental health if you would put the aspects of being creative and expressing yourself in a supportive community before any thoughts of remuneration.




When I came Steemit, like so many, I thought I could make some quick money for just writing a few thoughts and ideas down. For me, I took a look deeper and saw all the poetry here and I shared some of my own (old and new), with some of my feelings about the world and the relationship I was in.



Joining Steemit is quite exciting for most people, but at the same time, it is a very overwhelming experience for many too. Like I remember when I joined Steemit, I felt a weird pressure on myself for making it big on Steemit right away. Before I move on to giving my message to those just joining Steemit, I would like to share a bit of my story with everyone here so they know the foundation on which my message for the newbies is based.


You made it to the end!! I really hope this has been helpful to you! We would love to hear from you in the comments as to why you joined Steemit, and what sort of things interest you. It's those things I hope you will be posting about.

I would also like to reward you for commenting why you came here by offering the first 20 people who do respond 1 SBD each. It may not be much, but you will see how nice it feels to receive even a small gift of recognition. SO what are you waiting for, please do comment below! If your comment is REALLY inspiring I will be awarding 10 SBD for what I consider to be the best comment on this post!


I joined Steemit after hearing it referenced at some Meetups in Chicago. After hearing twice I figured It wouldn't hurt to have a look.

Turns out this is probably one of the easiest ways to get a foot into the cryptocurrency/blockchain community. As someone with a background in content development, this is a perfect place for me to kick round ideas that haven't been able to find a home or format elsewhere.

Really liking it here on Steemit and have been trying to think in of more interesting things to write and show. The good thing is that while you are navigating the website looking at things you find interesting, it also produces a lot of ideas to write about. Thanks for posting this article, hope you enjoy my comment.

thank you mdf-365 Good to hear you found Steemit from a meetup. There are more and more of these happening, so good to see it is working! You may find you get some great input from others here, there are lot of interesting and smart folk on Steemit!

Please accept my tip! for your comment.. Thanks again!

I came to steemit since it seems to be how a social media network should be. Facebook, Instagram and Co. are becoming more and more just about likes and self-presenting (Endless selfies and pictures which want to present the poster in a perfect view). If I wouldn't need facebook for my studies, I would have already deleted it.
Steemit seems to be rather about content and thoughts - the things I am really looking for on a social network! Not just selfies of 15-year olds who want to look like Kendall Jenner :D

glad you found your place @theaustrianguy ! Welcome to Steemit.. Thanks for sharing! I agree, if i didn't NEED facebook for certain contacts i also wouldnt use it!

Please have a gift as promised! Thank you!

Thank you :) You get a tip! as well - if this still works!

Hi @eco-alex and members of the Steemit community,
I started on Steemit because my friend, @snook, has a son @ecoinstant who had been writing on Steemit, and he loved it. The fact that the social site was focused on reading, and writing was enough to peek my interest. The idea that I could earn money for my writing, was the best reason to join.

Right before I joined Steemit, I wrote a book, "How-to Sim Your Life". I published the book on Kindle at Amazon, days before I joined. I was looking for a way to blog, so that I could promote my book. I did not know very much about writing a blog, so when @snook told me about Steemit, it just fit.

I had a lot of subjects to write about, because I am interested in many subjects, but from previous attempts at writing a music blog, I decided I had better write about something I know, and that I am good at; this being playing the Sims game.

This also seemed to fit because my book, "How-to Sim Your Life", is about how to live your life successfully, the same way I play the Sims game. What better way to understand my book, than to explain to my readers how to play the game.

After only sixteen days on Steemit, I have written more than just a how-to blog, but I have also written a few short stories, a few articles about writing, and a Steemit song. My account is worth $150.00 and I have 98 followers. I have met new people, joined the eco-train, and have made Steemit a part of my every day life.

My theory about building skills, and moving up in a career in my book, have also been proven correct. The more I write, the higher my writing skills become, the more I can do with my writing, and the more I can earn with my skill. The more I post on Steemit, the more followers I have, the higher my reputation on Steemit, and the more earning potential my posts have.

The novelty of earning money for my writing, has been replaced with the desire to entertain and inform my readers. Yes, it is cool to make money for my writing, especially after trying to be published for over twenty years, but I like that I can also read other people's writing, and learn more about those in this community.

The main reason I joined Steemit, was to escape the prison of Facebook that I have been in for eight years. I found myself endlessly scrolling the wall every day, reading the same senseless, and low-information posts that were making me dumber every time I read them. My brain was craving something new. Steemit was that something new I had been looking for, and I do believe this is only the beginning.

Now I need to copy and paste this comment, because I just wrote another post. :D Cha-ching $$$$

The best part about Steemit, is you can mess up and leave the page after a long comment, and come back and your comment is still there!

THANK for sharing this #@simgirl.. Really good to hear your story and how you started out on Steemit. Now i get the how to sim your life story! very nice idea.. if we could only organise our lives as easily as we can in the game ;-)

I especially agree with your comment

The main reason I joined Steemit, was to escape the prison of Facebook that I have been in for eight years. I found myself endlessly scrolling the wall every day, reading the same senseless, and low-information posts that were making me dumber every time I read them. My brain was craving something new. Steemit was that something new I had been looking for, and I do believe this is only the beginning.

That is so true for me as well.. I feel I am with REAL alive people here! woo hoo!
Please accept my tip! for your comment!

Followed and upvoted. Looking forward to seeing your steemit development!

I just joined because my brother suggested that I do so. :cP

Equally motivated by recognition and reward - and of course bringing something of worth to peoples' attention.

Its been an up-and-down journey - with the present currently in a 'downer' period, but I would say that I intend on giving Steemit more time to develop. There is potential - and it may yet leave behind the issues it had at its inception - which echo to this day.

thanks for your comment @pathforger. I have seen you around ! i understand what you say .. and thats why i tRY to always just enjoy the ride.. then IF the ride doesn't end up where i hoped it will still be ok! ;_) Thanks for sharing, please have a small gift tip!

Thank you very kindly @eco-alex. :c)

I admit that between life and the recent down-time my presence upon this medium has been thrown for a loop. :cP

Also - a very good point about always trying to enjoy the ride. Its what makes the journey worthwhile.

Great post! I came here when i was investigating about cryptos and it's uses. I was looking for cryptos with an actual aplication, so i ended up here... and i'm glad i did. I love how most of the users understand this is not just a page but a community.

Steem has the best use-case for any crypto so far!

Wow, thanks for the generous offer!
I came here via reddit. A couple of very good crypto currency related steemit posts were linked there. I signed up myself and still closely follow these topics. But once in the community, you notice that there's so much more around steemit. However, getting started with SP/VP/SDB/STEEM etc. wasn't too easy, I must admit ;)
I'm happy to be a part of it!

hey @crokkon .. thanks for commenting! there is MUCH more to Steemit than meets the eye yes!
welcome !! Here is your 1SBD!

Keep going and find patience with the process. After I put in some cash myself to Steemit it generated an interest for me to engage more. I have a pretty busy life at present but when I do find time to get online I search steemit for keywords on subjects that interest me and give me new energy. This can help you to associate more closely with other people and develop your creativity and get your mind thinking about new post content. One love.

I came to Steemit because a friend recommended I consider investing in cryptocurrencies, and told me Steemit was the best one for writing/blogging/social media enthusiasts. I have a retail/wholesale business and always thought about accepting bitcoin, but didn't like the format of bitcoin malls I found. So I'm here to meet people who can build alternatives...

thanks for sharing @peachbody !. i agree that this is the best for blogging and writing.. not least because you can still share it everywhere including facebook..

Im sure you will find many good people here to help you.
As promised here is a tip!

A warm welcome to all the newbies on Steemit. Soon, you'll understand the platform really well and have a great time here. Also, @eco-alex, such a wonderful way to make them feel welcomed here by giving them a nice token of love :) For all those who don't know me, I have been here for about 3 months, have my blog on positivity and self-development and am one of the passengers of the EcoTrain :)

Nice to meet you, @eco-alex! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)