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RE: Critical look at the state of Steemit marketing

in #steemit-marketing7 years ago

Hay @samupaha,

I think the active people are getting tired to propose new changes. I feel like I am writing this for the fifth time, but it is still valid: From my point of view the Steem Devs seem to focus on the blockchain itself, which is fine actually, because due to that we are operating on great and stable blockchain technology. The sideeffect is that since I've joined, no real update to the UI has been deployed.

What is steemit?

Is it a free portal for poeple who want to create a blog? Not really as we do not have a blogging interface. Is it a place where I can upload my photos? Not really, because I have no interface that simply shows all Images someone has posted. Is it a social media site? Not really, because some well known features are missing (scroll through posts easily, step through pics, private messages, .. ).

Instead of working on those topics which have been requested multiple times, one of the last steemitblog posts contained something about a new mobile app. We do not need a mobile app! We have one! It is called eSteem by @good-karma and is really really good! What we do not have a is a website with features expected by most of the users.

We currently have more than 200.000 registered accounts, but only a small part of that is active. So we are growing pretty good, but we loose the new people really fast and can't keep them here :( Ffrom my point of view one of the reasons are the missing features described above.

Thanks for reading and best regards,


Just a small disclaimer: I do not want to offend any one and I know that the Steem Devs are doing a fantastic job. I just think that it would be a good time to think again about the focus of the development.


From my point of view the Steem Devs seem to focus on the blockchain itself, which is fine actually, because due to that we are operating on great and stable blockchain technology. The sideeffect is that since I've joined, no real update to the UI has been deployed.

Somebody has to take care of the backend development, so it's great that they are doing it. But the problem is that when Steemit is also responsible to maintain the most used UI, the development of user experience is lacking.

I've started to think that maybe should outsource the UI development. It would be quite logical because they have money but no time or other resources.

What is steemit?

Your observations are the same I've been doing. Not only there is lack of clarity for "what we actually are", there is the growing problem of signal-to-noise ratio getting worse because of too much users. No wonder people are not participating on the site because the user experience is so bad.

I just think that it would be a good time to think again about the focus of the development.

Yeah, this is spot on. There is no clear goal. It seems that Steemit Inc is just busy doing one thing today and next thing tomorrow, but nothing really useful gets done. If there is no goal or long-term vision, there is focus.

I've started to think that maybe should outsource the UI development. It would be quite logical because they have money but no time or other resources.

I think that this will happen inadvertently when Steemit itself does not start to do something. You just need to have a look at the great succes of chainBB.