Web hosting with certificate

Hello everyone am Renuel your ethical program, and am going to be teaching you today on how to get a domain and host a website.
As you all know web hosting is fun, and it feels good to actually have something out there that belongs to you.
I'll start with a few simple steps on how to get a domain and host it (for free, N/B: free last only for 12mnth) so let's begin.

Step 1: search for availability of web name (u can use any site of your choice but for me I use freenom).

Step 2: if available then claim your Domain (N/B: for domains that bear .com,.org or .app ND above won't be free only .cf ,.if,etc will be so make your choice)

Step 3: search ultifree host and type in your domain name remember to set web.pg B4 clicking continue
I would like to stop here as I don't want to bore you. But if u learnt something or like my work pls drop a 👍


