
@roadscape suggested troll2go and the combination reminded me of “trollbox” which would also be appropriate :)

Trolls will either be powerless on steemit or they will become more powerful than ever ..... I think we already have a few cases of Trolls with high steempower, Whale trolls, but the large amounts of money tend to change people and make them a little more... Serious? I think it matures most people, makes them a il more responsible as they realizd how much power they have, and becauyse of that phenominon that i have witrnessed on steemit and experienced personally myself, I have a lot of confidence inthe self righting aspects of steemit, hopw it runs itself! how the users will self regulate it, godamn its so awesome, and im sure being on steemit since day 1 you must have a very unique relkationship with steemit! You know what it realy is so it must be hard foir you to amke leaps of faith like i can

someone like me can just make a crazy leap of faith and say steem will go to $1000 and for you i know you knopw how crazy that is and how much growth there would need to be and basically you hear $1000 steem and you must be thinking of all the potentially millions of man hours you would need to get steem to that point! Thyere is so much woerk to be done and i bet when youre on that end of steemit you have to be more serious and stoic abouit it, but justr know rthat many of us are seeing Steemit in an almost religious sense, many actuay do see Steem as the fulfillment of their prayers to God to send them help financially, and so we should be careful but also take advantage of this almost spiuritual quality steemit has taken. and it is because of the genoristy and compassion of steemit that people see the whole God thing in steemit, the people here are so helpful to those in need and so people see steemit as one of these things that seems to only be doing good and no bad! Sure someone could end up loosing sleep over being addicted to steemit maybe and it could inrtefere with someones life, like any websiute, but at least steemit pays you so you could potentially upgrade your real physical 3d life using the time u spent on steemit to earn steem and sell for bitcoin/Fiat cash and even pay the rent like i do with your steem earnings!

I feel a great surge in the force, a LOT of minds getting into steem, many whales buying large amounts before the price goes up past $2 and they cant get steem as cheap as they did,wooooo i cant WAIt to experience the rest of 2017 and 2018 as steem just starts going to $5 then $10 then $20 next year XD oooh its gonna be epic and it will be thanks to all the hard work at steemit inc and this steemit App will REALY get the fire going! Thanks for your service to steem blockchain sneak! Steemit has really changed my life for the better ad has given me real purpose and more importantly i found steady income which is something i struggled with for years since its hard for me to get a job with my tourettes, So I really apreciate steemit!