Arrested Mexican Youtuber For Bitcoin Ransom

in #steemit7 years ago

Mexican youtuber arrested over Bitcoin ransom kidnap he's cryptocurrency making crypto youtubers crazy now guys man not like this not like this a motivational youtuber from Mexico has been arrested over alleged kidnapping of Tiana Denise a 33 year old lawyer German Aloha Loara is thought to have led a gang of five to kidnap the woman German Laura Loara is the name the group are also reported to have demanded the ransom to be paid in a Bitcoin

Kidnapper has scant history of Bitcoin involvement so he's not a cryptocurrency youtuber is just a motivational self-help self-help you to her though era has been an active youtuber creating a various motivational and self-help videos well good for him these were relatively unknown until the 23 year old was reported to be connected with the kidnapping naturally his hits have increased rapidly a since local news source El Pais reported that chief chihuahua public prosecutor assigned to the case as stating

According to the investigation the leader of the gang is German Abraham la who has several videos on the Internet as a youtuber the young internet personality is currently being held in custody and awaiting trial while he has no prior convictions local media have hinted at a potential motive following the arrest outlets report that lo era's father was recently murdered by a group of organized criminals ooh that's that's rough guys this is later been confirmed by the public prosecutor

Although there has been no explicit link made between the kidnapping and the murder yet no doubt does seem kind of conspicuous there are no real previous connections between Loara and Bitcoin the only clue mate might lie in a tweet to to beat so one of the first Mexican cryptocurrency exchanges the tweet read I'd like to speak to you we are the heads of marketing for the biggest of Bitcoin casinos in the world intriguing guys

The message did not receive a public reply however it seems likely therefore that the decision except Bitcoin as a ransom was done because of its pseudo anonymous qualities and the general misconception that Bitcoin transactions cannot be traced rather than something deeper since the story broke comments on social media have AB in particular scathing to the accused kidnapper some of some of him some of called him some have called him a delinquent or a liar because of the hypocrisy of his self-help videos meanwhile others have called for him to be executed by the state it's okay I mean you guys know I receive comments that I should kill myself all the time so I get it despite the fact the death penalty does not exist in Mexico

The case of Loara is not the first time a kidnap ransom has been demanded in a Bitcoin late last year we reported that a crypto analyst from the UK cryptocurrency exchanged xmo being kidnapped kidnapped in Ukraine we did cover that an exchange ended up paying over 1 million for Pavel learners release meanwhile Bitcoin is continuing to be used by cyber criminals as a tool in ransomware attacks these digital kidnappings evolve the locking of data on effect infected machines hackers then demand payment is made in Bitcoin for the informations release last year the wanna cry attack is thought to have infected over 200,000 computers in 150 countries

Well guys I guess it doesn't matter if you a regular Joe or a regular Sally or a regular motivational self-help a person on YouTube apparently crypto can make you crazy in some ways but now that I'm thinking about it this event might have just been crazy before he even asked for Bitcoin as a ransom for 8 a 33 year old lawyer what the hell is going on with the world guys well if you really want to know what's going on I'll tell you the answer probably look up the queue and on no I said it guys demonetized thanks for joining us in today's crypto news brought to you by decentralized TV let me know your thoughts on queuing on in the comments section and smash the like button for Mexico still live in those Bitcoin dreams I suppose