Trending to the Moon: SteemIt Whales. What makes them Upvote you! [Original 5min Content]

in #steemit8 years ago

Disclaimer: Whale Hunting

Been here for a almost 2 weeks. I have seen a lot of Steemers who are looking for methods to make their content go “trending”—or to have them share the content organically just like the common. So for me, any Steemers can make their given content that can hit amazing number of votes because they become more interesting and there’s a high possibility that any given SteemIt user will come across their content. But how do they do it?

Truth is, there is NO proven way to guarantee and secure that a certain content will go trending every time. But by following the suggestions below, you can create the excellence for your work to go to the moon and earn token of appreciation.

Good is Better than Best.

Do not rate you work better than others and dont expect it to be the best. Let them do the verdict. If you want Steemers to upvote it, it needs to be well-written, informative, surprising, or worth sharing. You can’t just give steemers, dolphins and especially whales the same content everyone else is already providing. Be the unique one among all 34k or more steemers on SteemIt. You need to convey something that only you can say and provide.

Make strong emotions.

Don’t hedge! To grab whale's attention, you need to dig out their interest. Even if they disagree, they might still read on your article to find out what you’re actually saying and trying to express. The title of the article is a case in point and that should be consider. It makes a bold claim that some steemer would naturally wonder about. After all, you’re reading this now! Even if steemers don’t believe you, emotional assertions can grab their sense and make them curious enough and later appreciate through. It's enough to make you want to know about the story behind the title, because it sounds interesting. After all, whales won’t want to read articles how to put make up or how to go on a travel. So, it has to be something special, right?

It’s all about timing,not time.

Literally, I am not talking about time here though timing is associated with time. As what I did with my latest original article, I repeatedly repost it after every 6 hours and trust me it will not matter. So what I'm really trying to say is if you can link your content with current events or a holiday, or even a nice stretch of the right weather, the things you want to talk about will be on steemer’s minds and again on whales and dolphins. And the last thing you want is to put an article out into the world on a Friday evening, when everyone’s gone home and switched off for the weekend. Unless, of course, your content or article is all about the best ways to spend your weekend! :)

Promoting on social media.

Articles won’t go trending if no one can find it, so is it missing? Nope! But whales might missed it out because of some spammers and bots. Im sure youre aware about some spammers lately that making your good content unnoticeable. But things changed because of the new release. You need to start off by giving your work a boost. Even better if you can target influential people or groups who might be interested and are likely to share it to their own followers or fans. I am on a steemit group on facebook and we are increasing in number. You can search it. If youre desperate enough, tag the whales and poke their attention. like @ned and @dan but my favorite is @steemed hihi

Keep an eye on it.

If it’s about a current event article like updates and real time experiences, then having the most recent information available will make your content or article the most valuable resource. If it’s outdated or inaccurate, steemers will quickly find other sources. And grab the opportunity to create new one. Keep a track to your work. Update! Create! Innovate!

Explore and Experiment.

Don't sit into the same chair on a restaurant. Don't go home following the same route everyday. What am I saying is that you don’t need to stick to one format, topic, or platform especially if it’s not getting you the whale's upvotes and views that you need!

You should put these things in mind, your articles will be more likely to be viewed and gather you bigger rewards even if they don’t go dramatically popular. So keep at it, keep learning, and keep exploring. Who knows, your next article might just hit massive upvotes and really take off to the moon. Just like this one. fingers crossing :)


#steemit #whales #original #doyourpart
