Durian Fruit Benefits for Health and Treating Insomnia

in #steemit6 years ago

Durian Fruit Benefits for Health and Treating Insomnia - Durian is one of the fruit that is delicious and enjoyed by some people. with a sweet taste and a pungent aroma, the color of a yellow fruit and having sharp spines on the skin is a physical feature possessed by durian fruit. However, for durian enthusiasts, they will routinely wait for the durian season to arrive. Not only sweet, durian fruit also has several nutrients that are useful for health.

Durian fruit is classified as a large fruit, even classified as the biggest fruit list with sharp and hard thorny skin. Durian fruit has a weight usually between 1 kg-4 kg, while its diameter can reach 15 to 30 cm. Durian fruit flesh is usually yellow to emasan, but some are sometimes white rather pale (this is usually not sweet). Durian seeds are large and some are small depending on the type of durian itself.

Durian trees grow wildly in the forests of Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand, and some are grown because they are cultivated. Durian trees will tails when the planting age has been 4 years. Durian trees will grow higher and reach approximately 50 meters high. So that this plant stands firm for decades.

Nutrients in Durian Fruit,

Unsaturated fat
Vitamin B, C
Omega 3 and 6

Durian Fruit Benefits for Health

  1. Treating Insomnia (insomnia)
    For those of you who don't often experience insomnia, you can overcome it by eating durian fruit. Durian fruit contains tryptophan which is used to calm the mind and body.

  2. Can Strengthen Bones and Teeth
    Durian fruit contains vitamins B1, B2, and high calcium levels. These compounds can strengthen bones and teeth as well as those that certainly maintain the health of your bones and teeth.

  3. Control the Balance of Blood Sugar
    Durian fruit contains manganese which is useful for controlling the balance of blood sugar in the body so blood sugar levels become normal.

  4. Treating Anemia
    The content of folate, copper, and metals in durian can cope with blood deficiency diseases in the body (anemia). For those of you who are anemic, you can consume durian as an anemia natural remedy, but don't overdo it.

  5. Reducing the risk of cancer
    Durian fruit contains many vitamins that come from sources of antioxidants that can destroy free radicals. as known as free radicals is one of the causes of cancer.

  6. Prevents Acne Removal
    Antioxidants contained in durian fruit can fight the bacteria caused by acne. If you always practice treatment with basic ingredients of durian fruit, the problem of acne will be overcome immediately.

  7. Maintain Moisture and Firmness to the Skin
    Durian fruit contains flavonoids that can regenerate dead skin cells so that your skin can maintain moisture and firmness. You can also make yellow durian fruit and ripen as a base for face masks before going to bed. Use a durian mask 2 to 3 times a week to produce your facial skin healthy and maintain firmness.

  8. Disguise Black Stains on the Face
    Black stains on the face can be overcome by treatment using durian fruit. how it works use durian fruit for facial care by mixing yellow durian fruit and ripe ones that have been separated from the seeds add 2 tablespoons of honey. Make the mixture a face mask.

  9. Can Smooth Skin
    The content of vitamin E in durian is useful for smoothing rough skin. And the results can make the skin smooth and soft.

Thus health tips that discuss the benefits of durian fruit for health for your body's health. Although it has various benefits from durian for health, we also have to limit not to consume durian fruit excessively. That is all and thank you.