RE: 10 Ways to Fund a Steem Growth Project!
SMT’s are just tools for making things, and require the ideas and people to take advantage. VICE and BOB’s were mentioned by sndbox recently, as highlights, and VICE is a terrible thing to have associated for a blockchain looking for popular adoption, and I’m not even sure either one is even using SMT’s at all.
WE could do a great SMT using the underlying strength of STEEM, but if it’s just small scale developers looking to make more money from the chain/us, idk.
Some of my smarter friends seem to be thinking of taking a sabbatical and working out their ideas for building on a chain that’s not yet got the “reputation” we have.
Steem is 1000% higher quality as a thing, than the best WE have created with it.
I have no reinvested yet, and actually divested almost all all my SBDS, because I do not see the evidence yet that my kids would appreciate me becoming a “to the mooner”, absent critical and honest analysis.