STEEMIT IS FAIR - But at the Same Time, it Isn't - An Explanation

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

not fair.jpg

In this post, I will illustrate how Steemit is fair.


So, you've been on here for however long and you've come up with a good idea that you think actually is a great idea, and you’ve spent time researching and gathering information, putting it all together in a good quality article - Right?

Good Idea.png====>great idea.jpg

Then what?

You post it and rub your hands together real fast in expectation of a lot of eyes reading your great post and a lot of upvotes to go along with all the views. Right?


Then what happens?

Nothing...except maybe a few views and $0.03 in upvotes.

What? WTF is this?

Then you say, "My post is ten times better than so-in-so's post who has made $233.76 and mine with the pics and vids and memes and good writing and blah blah blah only gets 3 lousy cents?! WHY, THIS ISN'T FAIR! "

Steemit isn't fair...right?

On the surface that would appear to be very true, unfortunately, and it is true on some levels but on another level, it's not so unfair.

Let me 'splain.

The reward pool on this platform is made up of everybody's STEEM holdings that they have locked up on the platform. You can see individual's holdings in their wallet.


For example, as of the time of this writing, my wallet has 564.387 STEEM worth $1,196.85. So, this is my current contribution to the reward pool. Now take a look at @ADSactly, for example, this user's wallet has 659,738.218 STEEM valued at $1,288,945.61.

Now, these are only two examples, but imagine the entire universe of individual holdings on the platform, those that contribute much and those that contribute little or none at all.
My point is this…can you really expect to be paid a lot from a pool where you have little to no input, just because you put up a decent post?

Now, It CAN happen mind you, but I'm asking, should you actually EXPECT that you should get that?

This is not to say that good content has no merit. Of course it does, but more often than not, on this platform, it won't hold its own on its own.


Because people look out for themselves, and let's face it, you would do the exact same thing!

Let's analyze this...

Rewards are given out on here for POSTS, COMMENTS and UPVOTING.

Most people on here spend a lot of time commenting and upvoting, but remember that everybody wants a piece of the posts that are garnering a large amount of the reward pool. So, what do you think happens? Right.


They will scroll through the TRENDING and HOT feeds and upvote from the feed, oftentimes without even reading the posts. They will just upvote whatever is gaining traction because they want a piece of the pie.

Why upvote a post that only has $0.03 for a reward to split with the author when they can upvote a post that is showing $1,135.75? And why leave comments on an author's posts with a 42 reputation score and not that much upvote power when they can leave comments on an author's posts with a 77 reputation score with a lot of upvote power so that they can possibly get some decent upvote rewards for their comments?

Now, stay with me.

The amount of STEEM an individual has determines that individual's STEEM POWER, which determines that individual's amount of UPVOTE POWER. So, as of this writing, according to Steem Now's Upvote Calculator, my current 100% upvote is worth $0.08, while @ADSactly has a current 100% upvote worth about $87.68.

Now would you rather get the attention of ADSactly or mine?


Also, your STEEM POWER determines how much you can upvote yourself and others and how much of the reward pool you get when you do.

Did you get that?

The more STEEM POWER you have the more people will upvote your posts. If they see your post and then look at your wallet and see that you don’t have much STEEM, they will most likely not upvote the post, even if they find it interesting. They will move on to upvote the posts of those who have the power to help them on the platform.

Sorry…but that’s just the naked, bare-ass truth. ! ass.png

But don’t hate the players, hate the game…an age-old saying right?

So, don’t bad-mouth others on the platform because you’re mad that they have more money and STEEM POWER. Be glad because without them, there would not be much of a reward pool in the first place.

A Word about Reputation Score rep.png

You’re reputation score (the number in parentheses beside your username) has a bearing on how much you earn as well. Don’t get a bad reputation score by writing negative posts about others on the platform…FOR ANY REASON.

For example, I remember a while back that somebody was bad-mouthing @Sweetsssj because he was convinced that her blog was not “authentic” and that she was just a model and the blog was produced by professionals. There was a long thread where I was one of a few others who defended Sweetsssj on that because I’m like, whether that is true or not, it doesn’t matter. It’s still a great blog! It’s beautiful and entertaining and uplifting.

Listen, everybody is free to post whatever content they please on here!

So, to try and bring somebody down because you’re jealous of their success is not cool. DON'T DO IT! That person was quickly pounced on and drowned by whales who pointed out that the reason his pathetic blog got any rewards at all was because of blogs like Sweetssj and them holding their STEEM on the platform. They could easily power it down and take it away you know.

Look, instead of spending time and energy and researching and constructing negative posts about somebody else, use all of that to make your own blog better.

Follow those who are successful and get some nuggets from them that you can use, for example, I like to read posts by @JerryBanfield. He always has useful and helpful content . Engage on the platform and find people like this who can spark your own creative flow. AND BUY SOME STEEM REGULARLY!

What's the Moral of this Story?

The moral of the story is…don't EXPECT that you should get big rewards if you have no STEEM POWER, because it's not probable…although it is possible. You may catch the fancy of some dolphins and whales that take a liking to your content and put you in their STEEMVOTER. Then, whatever you post will be automatically upvoted by them and will likely gain traction as others see money on your posts and jump on the wagon to reap some of the rewards.

But all hope is not lost!

Keep posting interesting content, Dtube videos, photography, art, poetry, news, blogs or whatever AND invest in STEEM every month. Buy you some STEEM! Particularly now that it’s in a dip, because the price will go back up. Buy some! And you will get more and more traction on your earnings on the platform, which will add to your STEEM balance, and thus your STEEM POWER, and thus your rewards. AND of course, keep a good reputation score, which will go up as well the better you do on the platform and the more you are engaged.

It’s all about power on here baby. If you don’t contribute much or any, then don’t expect to be compensated in a big way.

That’s for real and it really is fair in the big scheme of things.

Image and Meme Sources

Good Idea Image
Great Idea Image
Upvote Image
Contribution Image
Piece of Pie Image
Bare Ass Image
All animated memes sourced from


Why did he say that?

even we post great content but sometime what we got was not comparable
you know it hurt when no one come to vote our post

Keep posting and engaging. AND buy some STEEM!