
yes andrew make sure you actually keep posting everyday now! You can even just give rundowns of the work you do outside steemit (like doing the same work for two different homework assignments lol) and you should consider writing a follow up to tha article on wired showing how you were able to make almost $1000 off this post on steemit and show how imteractiveit is, shyow how anyone reading the wired article can signup and say you will do your best to get the comments upvoted, liek for example i know me and stellabelle and my other steemit peeps would love to make a point of helping get upvotes to anyone joining after reading ur article to make a great impression on wired readers .... when you get teh right people on steemit to get your attention you start to see a whole different steemit that usual, in teh future mor whales and users will mean that feeling of iunetracting with whales and getting like $1 upvotes will hapen more often, soon more and more people will be buying their way into whaledom by buying steempower and being able to then give out $10 upvotes and this really allows someone to see the power of steemit .... when peopel are getting like 50 cents to a dollar per comment on trending threads it adds up and people should take screenshots of all the poeiple making money off popular comments... i think we should make people realize that even tho its not based on number of upvotes it still reflects the communitya nd if MORE people actualy USED steemit then 1000 minnows could outweigh 1 whale, and wheen ytou start seeing like people getting 10,000 1 cent minnow upvotes to give someone $100 on a comment THAT is when we will see those people who comment on reddit and youtube band make witty smart and funny remakrs, but who never get paid, THOSE are the ones who will be using steemit the most, peopel whpo have a history of making funny remakrs and getting lots of comment likes, well those people will be coming to steemit in wvaes, from otehr social media sites

like when someone like idubbz or ethan klien have a video on steemit then we will be seeing millions signig uop all going "Who else is here becaue of the EThan/idubbz video?" and so THAT is when the mass migrations will happen

OR when we all realize how easy we could get stemit posts on reddit to reddits front page if we al just use our thousands of reddit accounts (and have non redditor steemit users signup to reddit) and ALL upvote some posts we can amke about steemit on reddit, I am 100% sure we could "brigade" it to the front page, and yeah brigading is against teh rules on reddit but what we would be doing isnt brigading, we are all just on social media and we see a pro steemit post fo cousre we will all wanna upvote it, they wont eb able to stop it, reddit users might complain about how 'Oh every steemit user is just upvting these steemit posts on reddit" and our hivemind can out hivemind them lol they are a mas of slaves 240 millin slaves none of which get paid all making money for the tiny minority of peopel who own and work for reddit who share nothing with even the very top users who create a lot of content for reddit hah steemit is just automaticaly by default set to take all of reddits users AND thus their content by gravity alone! Like a lake at high altitude draining into the ocean, reddit has no way to keep their users especialy as more and more humans need jobs, so irts inevtable and the ONLY way reddit could save themselve sis releaseing reddit notes which they never were ever serious about in teh first place and they also said it would be "illegal" and ahhaha here is steemit totaly proving themwrong...reddit notes i found out was thge baby of a reddit employee who ended up getting fired and so no one cared anymore and the 20 million or so dollars set aside for it was just enevr give n out tgo all the top reddit yusers, it was gonna be a reddit crypto currency with boitcoin and dogecoin wallets and yeah woulda still not been as good and advanced and cool as steemit cuz still no curation no witness nodes no steem blockchain no reddit blockchain just another altcoin but with a big user base so ya would abeen valuable and useful within reddit but steemiutr just so muich better so much more potential.... redditors just can use dogetip bot (which got all of its balance million ro so bucks stolen by its creator who decided he would try gambling with it to "help" everyone and he just endedupo loosing it all lol

Steemit is going to have a LOt of new users from reddit.... we shoudl all be posting reddit stories!

Tai Lopez just talked about Bitcoin and ICOs on Ethan Kleins h3h3 podcast!!!! he STARTS the interview talkin about how a few buycks in bitcoin would be millions today just a fw years later, saying he wish he woudl abought bitcoin in 2010,

tai lopez even said hes invinting the "top blockchain guys" to his home next week to tell him about ICOs hah so expect tai lopez to join steemit very soon!

Were you drunk when you wrote this?


Hey I just pushed your comment Up oto $1.00 with my Upvote!

And about being drunk? lol no man i thinki was just tired and i wante dto get tmy thouights out nefiore sleeping and loosing em ....sometimes i just go and i cant stop and re write it or my ocd will kick in and ill styart rewriting everythinga d ill be there for hours! I just have to write and hit submit and move on or i will never get anything done! So what exactly made u think i was drunk? and why didnt you have anything else to say? just wondering why you dont like to post here very often, i wish you would!

Anyway thanks for the article and hey even got a reaction from @acidyo ! hey so did u watch the beginning few mins at least of that h3h3 interview with tai lopez so u can see hpow hes obviously getting totally into ICOs or at leats super JELOUS of how fast and easy people have been making money! peopel are making as much as he makes in a fraction of the time with almost no effort! hahaha tail lopez makes me realize even if crypto doesnt work out thers always the OTHER ways to make money onthe internet via marketing and dropshipping so imagine when they consolidate all of drop shipping and SEO into a crypto currency hahahah SEO coin will be huge man oh wait steem basically is that, but we need some sort of Adwords coin for google adwords, and an Amazon coin, we can make Smart mediaTokens (SMT) for all of these!

hey do u think it was a coincidence that your Wired mag article came out and then right afterwords steemit suffers a DDOS attack? You think someone was trying to send a message or stop Steemit from getting the traffic bump from the article? It wouldnt work really, i feel like it was just a message haha maybe a message from facebook!

And facebook too
She shared it on fb
