Why I'm seriously considering giving up on Steemit. Plus TITS!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

{ Edit:
Although the original problem I was having is solved, after reading for a while today, I'm convinced that since making money isn't my motivation here and that's all this site is for, I'm wasting time here posting up stuff that no one will ever see because my ideas are all about freeing people from civilization and dependence upon currency. The types of people that would be interested in my posts are tired of the world that concentrates power in the hands of a few and this site/crypto apparently has the exact opposite mission.

As usual, capitalism and greed has screwed up what could have been a beautiful platform for enabling collaboration between forward thinking inventors and activists that actually want to make the world a better place. I saw steemit and steem as a possible transitional step towards that goal but the primary motivation of the whales that are running things is pretty clear, get rich, cash out, and watch this turn into the next myspace. There's no way that the masses they are trying to attract have the intelligence to understand the platform and maximize it. They'll come in, post their vapid crap, bury all of the thoughtful and informative posts, and either cash out if they get rich, or leave when they don't. I really hope that someone creates something similar that has the intention of improving the mess those dependent upon civ have put our species in. If you're interested in the things that I post about, please come join my forum at https://muut.com/prototribal .}

A friend told me about steemit and even though I'm pretty burned out on planned obsolescence based consumer products, cartel/gov owned ISP's, the internet, and its people, the science seemed sound and networking freely is always good. I also suffered a multiple hard drive/flash drive wipe sometime in February '16 so I thought it would be a good idea to put my content up on the blockchain so it can never get lost again.

After fighting to post for a few days due to unknown issues, I was finally able to post smoothly and spent quite a bit of time putting up a few posts that I thought others would find interesting. Even though they involve DIY open source green tech and things to give more power to the people, the posts have been largely ignored while content from vapid idiots is all over the trending page.

At first, I thought, "No big deal. Once the site grows and relationships build, people will see my content and have a chance to vote on it." Sadly, this doesn't seem to be true. I got my first payout yesterday of $8 and tried to upvote a comment on one of the posts that I was paid out on and I got a popup saying that there was no more voting allowed on that comment because the thread had already been paid out.

If this is the case, in the future, when I find the real forward thinkers and not just the vapid chicks that want easy money and the rich nerds that want in their pants, my posts will stay buried forever. If I'm wrong, please correct me and I'll keep posting material. If I'm right and the only way to get noticed here is to post something the ignorant masses will eat up and hope to get noticed, I'm not wasting my time with this platform anymore.

It's not because I'm interested in money. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. I actually think that money is the primary tool for empowering psychopaths and the more anonymous the money is, the more they are empowered. The reason is that I don't want to waste time investing in a site that's going to turn to crap content and focus power in the hands of a very few early adopters.

If posts can be voted on forever, there's some chance of things evening out once communities and reputations build, making it possible to have at least one forward thinking social network. If they can't, I don't want to help anyone grow the next vapid, waste of bandwidth, popularity contest site.

Oh, almost forgot the tits!


Please give Steemit another chance! The sad fact is that there is a very tight clique here but that's in large part because they were a clique prior to the Steem platform via Cryptocurrency. We are attracting a new userbase every day and I can assure you there are and will be more people here each day who do value the majority your content and in time, you will be acknowledged. Just keep posting!

And long-term cliques are readily known to easily break apart, right?
Unfortunately: No...

If my old posts can't be upvoted and will be buried forever, I really don't see a point. If that's the case, which it seems to be, this site is fatally flawed and simply not worth the effort. Thanks for the input though.

Just curious...lol...would you have clicked on the post without the pretty girl pic and the tits?

Yep. But the tits helped.

Thank you for the steem btw. :)

I feel like a dirty false advertiser, even though my only intention was to get attention.

So here are my real tits:

This clarifies everything :)

Yup. My motivation isn't to get rich, or make the few at the top of the ponzi scheme rich. I was actually excited about finding community and spreading relevant info. I guess that's not what steemit is for. So sad.

Nice rack!

Posts can be voted on forever, just not multiple times by the same accounts.

See the whitepaper, starting near the end of page 19: https://steem.io/SteemWhitePaper.pdf

Doh. Must have missed/skimmed over that. I tried voting on someone's comment that I hadn't noticed yet. Maybe it's just the comments can't be upvoted after payout. Definitely still learning here! Just noticed the vote for your own post check box auto completes now too. That makes me feel a lot better. Will edit the first post.

I would say 80% of the new users on this site share the same sentiment. The code algo needs a rewrite if steemit wants to keep its users on the site. The reward difference between posts is ridiculous. Think about the poor girls who only received a few cents for their make up tutorial.They will compare their tuto with the 30 000$ tuto and be extremely disappointed. You can be sure they won't come back.

I spent an hour posting up offering open source plans for an electric bike that I designed five years ago that's still ten years ahead of it's time and made $0.03 on it, checked the trending page and not one post could possibly have any positive impact on anyone's life, except maybe a laugh or two. I'm just worried that I'm at a KKK party trying to hand out Kwanzaa invitations again.

I'm not surprised to be honest, it's sad really. I feel like people don't even read threads on this forum, they just scan for popular content. People should be incentivize to upvote what they like, not the most popular stuff.

I've gotten into a few good discussions. It just depends on the topic and who you run into. I'm sure some more stable discussion groups will form over time.

I could EASILY game this system and make a bunch of money. Heck, if I deployed the tiny inner capitalist that's still barely clinging to life inside my head, I'd probably crash the site. Spreading knowledge and building community is a million times more important to me than making money though.

From what I understand, upvotes are more influential/valuable from accounts that have greater Steem Power. So, if you cash out your Steem Power your influence decreases. All it takes is for a "whale" to upvote one of your posts, and if other whales notice, and also upvote, then it starts trending.

... don't know if this is totally accurate, I'm learning about this thing as I go along, too.

I have faith the system will sort itself out. It seems like right now the whales are upvoting things that appeal to the masses for more exposure. That's not all bad. In the mean time you don't lose anything by being apart of the community.

The upvoting the vapid stuff to attract more vapid idiots makes sense in the pyramid scheme aspect of things but if this place turns into the next voat.co, posting here, just like posting there, is a complete waste of my time, and that's not something I like to lose.

I think it would be cool to start something like this with the intentions of attracting and enriching forward thinking people with good ideas but if it's all about the money for the guys at the top, which is what's going on if what you say is true, I guess I'll wait for or create the brainy, ethical, alternative.

That's valid. But this thing is still a baby, its got lots of time to grow and evolve. Maybe after the whales get their payday things will change.

Usually, people get more greedy as they get more and the whole thing crashes. @dan is a pretty smart guy though so I have hope.

Yeah true... I just want pass on sentiments that people feel similar to you, and those people probably appreciate your presence.

I expect it will take a while for things to stabilize. This is bleeding edge beta, so don't burn yourself out.

I still have glimmers of hope that it will but it's not looking good if the whales are upvoting idiot stuff to attract more idiots. Idiots in large numbers are the worst thing I can imagine for a platform with this potential for creating positive world change.

Now it is becoming clear why the supposed female user base is magically so 'high'. Keep on posting even if it's only a link to your youtube content - it'll draw a bit of views... also good to post to Google+ in an appropriate group. I do a fair amount of DIY & Solar type things as well and the people that are into these things are not your average people or super abundant yet, of course, people like you and will have 120v w/ or w/o the grid!

I think the timing of a post may be a consideration - early adoption of people upvoting a post will only help it down the road. Plus, if someone sees one interesting post you made, the system seems to be designed well enough to delve further into the person's content.

I think this latent post trawling will go on later down the timeline... right now, everyone is just trying to jump on what they think will be hot showering it w/ love... unknowingly burning through their vote power or whatever it's called.