You know you're a Steemit blogger when

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


10. Getting dressed means putting on something other than your pj’s and socks.

9. Your lunch break involves last nights leftovers and walking the dog.

8. You’re secretly happy when the snow makes your friends commute hell while you have a 30 second walk down the hall.

Until you realize you’ll never get a snow day.

7. Vacation means working extra hard the week before and after. And during.

6. You consider Discord and SteemitChat “Happy Hour”.

5. Every room in your house is the office.

4. The driveway under your car hasn’t seen rain in weeks.


3. A conference call means herding the pets out of the room and bribing your children.

2. Your cats are your coworkers.

1. Your partner returns from work to find you in the same spot as when they left.

You know you are a Steemit blogger: You never thought you'd refer to yourself as a minnow or enlist the aid of #minnowsupportproject for advice, the term #whaleshares is now a daily part of your vocabulary, and Whales are suddenly your favorite animal.


1000 Followers in 23 days??!!! Thank you guys, you ROCK!!!

Follow @ArbitraryKitten for more :)

I love your comments and questions :)

Thank you for your support :)


Please Resteem to spread the Monday fun! Laughter is the best STEEM-edicine ;)


That is some embarrassing truth right there. Thanks for the reminder.. ?

Lol! Welllll...

Love whale shares. Love them. Loooove whale shares.

I get snows days. Where I live snow takes out the power, I get about half an hour backup and then steemit is gone. Gone...

Whales are sexy :) animated-whale-image-0013

Me throughout the last 10 years I think ^^

LOL! Yup, I feel these pretty much sums it up for me as well!

Lol, so true in so many ways! Thanks for the laugh!

So funny and so true :)

The accuracy is amazing ;)

lol, this was so good and guiltyyyyy :D Thank you for the laughs and enjoyment to brighten up the day

number 7 was me this morning for sure.

LOL! Mondays...


Perfect gifs!!

They totally complemented the piece! Thanks!

You made me laugh, i stand guilty specially the last one! Haha

"I'll be ready in five minutes, Dear."


Two. Hours. Later.

Like righ now i have been up since 5 am ans im still in the same position as when she laft its already 2:30pm, i need to move and stretch a little haha

I'm glad I could give you a little reminding nudge ;)

HolySmoke! ... Sylvester looks a bit Frazzled !!

A daily dose of Zen is sometimes needed... but forgotten! "just. one. more. post." lol