Steemit vs the State

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Facebook & Twitter within the last few years have come to dominate over the old mainstream media. For those who've lived through this massive transition we see that this feat is nothing short of remarkable. This has allowed for a (somewhat) decentralized global flow of information from the stranglehold of a few multi-national media conglomerates. Now, more than ever, information is power.

A few years ago I would have made the prediction that Facebook would come to act as a rudimentary digital collective consciousness. Not anymore. Facebook for the longest time has had no real competition to keep them from censoring problematic information. Now with the advent of Steemit this is no longer a viable option if they wish to preserve their future as a reliable source of news. The case could even be made that they are too far gone to have any chance at redemption. I believe this to be true.

Within the next few weeks as more big names jump on board expect something great. I predict that Steemit will come to be a rough archetype of the future of news. Although, even if this platform fails to achieve anything substantial it will cause ripple effects throughout the entirety of the internet allowing new platforms to take its place.

If Steemit continues to grow it will become a digital prototype of an emerging collective consciousness. Quite the mouthful, I know, bear with me. With technology increasing at a near exponential rate this signals the beginning of the end of what we call the physical computer. Prominent futurists predict that by the late 2020s (perhaps even earlier) brain chips will be commonplace. Taking this into account the 'internet' (more aptly called outer-net) as we know it only has about 15 years remaining until we transition to the 'inner-net'.

It's not too hard to see what's coming for those who are aware. Just as Facebook has decimated the influence of the mainstream media, Steemit has the opportunity to take it a step further. How much further you ask? Unfiltered truth in its entirety.

As the most convincing arguments begin to make the Steemit top-list this will signal the end of external government as we know it. Some of you might say: "That's quite the bold prediction." And well it certainly would be without ever increasing efficiency of solar cells which are beginning to double in efficiency every few years now. Through new technology energy is becoming cheap as dirt. As these trends continue it will become harder and harder to put forward convincing arguments in favour of the state. Government as we know it is in its final days and Steemit has the greatest potential that I know of in becoming the ultimate red-pill to crack its foundation. Long live Steemit!

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