💦Stop Focusing On Upvotes From Bigger Fish. Focus On Yourself!💦

in #steemit7 years ago

I talk to A LOT of Steemians.

For a whole range of reasons from talking about personal things to getting information together for @humansofsteemit and brainstorming on how to make this place even better.

And there is one thing I've REALLY noticed.

Quite a few of you are 'upset' with the dolphins, orcas and whales on this platform.

You feel like you DESERVE those precious upvotes.

And are annoyed that you are not being noticed by them.

But are they really the problem?

Or are you the problem?

Drink your own cup of Steemit tea!
By @salas
who'll get a slice of the SBD from this post!

Look, I get it.

You put in energy, time and effort into a post and it's not getting the $$$ that you think it deserves.

Yeah pretty frustrating!

So what is the easy to express your frustration?

Emotionally shitting on the bigger fish who dwell in the Steemit sea.

But this is not a very loving and positive way of handling the situation is it?

If you think about it energy-wise, all you are doing is throwing negative energy their way, and that is not exactly very productive towards getting positive energy back.

And frankly, all you are doing is working yourself up and giving yourself a negative time when the Steemiverse dolphins,orcas and whales are not even wasting one minute thinking about whether or not they should upvote you.

I know this isn't very nice to hear but really it is the truth

How can you channel this energy into moving into space that is productive for you and your Steemit journey?

The answer is pretty simple.

Just focus on you!

And in those four words, lays a world of deeper meaning.

The trick is actually that there is no trick.

You've got to be yourself on here.
(Or atleast that's what I think)

Instead of writing your posts and logging off straight away, get INTERACTIVE! Get a-talking with people, join Discord servers and make an actual effort to get to know people (and not because they have a high upvote but because you actually want to get to know them)

Get to know this place inside out.
Where you can find what community and who's a part of that.

Make an effort to put yourself out there time and time and time again!

Put most important of all, is just to really do you and be yourself.

And organically, you will find your Steemit tribe.

Which automatically means you get those upvotes you've been looking for.

Literally there is NO point in getting angry at the bigger fish in the Steemit sea.
Most of them have been where you are and how do you think they managed to get where they are?

Due to being real, being consistent and putting themselves out there time and time again!

So leave them be and focus on you.

You'll be thanking yourself in a year's time.

So now all you gotta do is


I leave you with my fave inspo speech by the incredible Shia Labeouf!

BIG love,


Steemit Ashley Kalila.png

Sharing Authentically.png


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!


How many times have I heard this from planktons and minnows who would spout flowery words of thanks to Dolphins and Whales whenever they get an upvote that they start expecting it even if they post crappy content or those endless challenges and when the patronage is removed they start bad mouthing the person.

They should have been grateful for the time of the upvotes and made sure to have created good quality content, created connections outside of their starting circles and forged relationships and a presence.

I have seen far many people rest in their laurels and be happy to be fed by whale and just be content in their circle of fellow minnows and get angry when people leave.

At our little Ohana at @steemitfamilyph we try to nurture them to be self reliant and stand on their own merit and talent. We encourage them to be themselves and write about things they want. Be authentic humans who connect and create for themselves not because it is trending, or because it will be upvoted by a whale.

So many are obsessed with getting votes and getting paid that it starts to put pressure on them to go to what will be voted. They lose their individuality and that for me is sad.

I see that the most successful people are those that engage people well. That write unique stuff and generally like what they are doing. They are authentic and without pretense.

P.S. The Shia killed me there haha because Yes Do It!!!!

Hear, hear! thank you so much for the reminder :>)
and thanks for putting into words what I have been thinking all along and am trying to put into action more and more...



Wonderfull post! This is so true ! I think a lot of people are just here to make quick money , they see that it doesn't work like that and they get frustrated. It's all about growing as a community and interacting with other people. There is a lot of help for minnows like @minnowsupport, they have a discord channel with an upvote bot and different kind of channels where you can interact with other people. I've written a guide on how to join here: https://steemit.com/steemit/@murkie/the-wonderful-community-of-steemit-and-minnowsupport
Don't give up! And keep on growing, steeming and interacting!


I am not really doing things the minnowsupport way cos I am doing it my own way.

But good on you for helping out the community by writing the post!


I'm still pretty new here but the long term potential of Steemit is amazing. So many people get frustrated when they don't get rich quick, and go back to facebook where they don't get rich at all lol


In a sense, I don't really mind when they leave.

Personally, I only want good quality stuff on here! hehe :)

I hope the people that most need to read the posts like these will actually read and understand this XD



I hope so too!! :)

Is that a Steemit deer??? :)

I suppose t could be a deer because I made the tail quite big, oops XD It's an upgoat :)


now I see it! hehe

Interesting article, I am new to Steemit and following inspirational authors. I have shared my thoughts on a similar topic, do give it a read and let me know if any feedback :)


I am going to give you one tip.
Do not push your posts in comments.
It doesn't work like that.
I immediately do not want to visit your post now...

Excellent advice. I think some users even target empty content created by whale accounts in hopes of a return. I'm sure the whales could care less about my ten cent upvote. And upvoting garbage hoping for a return misses the point anyway.

You give the best advise possible. Just do you. Be yourself and find like minded individuals. Grow together. Eventually, your dimes and their dimes equal dollars. And, more importantly, you have made some friends.



I don't get why people target the empty whale accounts.
Makes NO sense to me whatsoever!

I got my biggest payout ever by... get this... posting about something I loved, that mattered to me, that I'm really good at, that I do every day. Imagine that. All my "artsy fartsy" posts, generic writing posts, never went anywhere. So I tried a motorcycle related post instead. BINGO!!

whoop whoop!!!

Great advice, @ashleykalila! You are right. The problem doesn't lie with the orcas, whales or dolphins. Just work harder and stop complaining!

yip. shut up and do the grind

Thanks for being so real. Probably the most honest and inspirational post I have heard in a long time.

well that's nice to hear!