Blowing Some Steem

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


I am worried about the future of Steem. This ability to downvote others I think will be a problem for new whales to adopt the platform. One benefit of places like twitter, FB and Insta have is the ability to shield yourself from users you don't want to play with. I think to myself.. What if all the celebrities on twitter couldn't block each other. But instead use their money and power of bots to battle. I know what would happen. No one would use twitter.

I have learned from past use of social media platforms that people do not get along. If you base a crypto / social media platform on the grounds that users with the most money decide what will be seen and who will make money. This is just another form of centralization. Controlled by the whom has the the most SP. I see it eventually becoming an exclusive group of whales in their safe space. Only further crippling the value of Steem. What brings the value to steem is users wanting to use it.

I have ideas to make Steem a better place for everyone to play but who's listening? No one.. People are more worried building onto what is. Rather than what will make it more adoptable. We are trying to figure out how to run before we perfected walking straight. I cant think of another social platform that someone left as a direct result of another individuals opinion. Can you?



I agree. My thought is steemit will never reach its potential with the way whales can abuse there power. As of now Steemit is a place to earn as much as possible until a whale gets mad at you then your only option is to sell and move on. Maybe some other blockchain can bring competition and then steem and the witnesses will get serious and fix this very serious problem. Just my thoughts.

As long as the money is good enough for the whales... Nothing much will change i guess.

Who are the whales going to sell steam to if nobody wants to buy it? If just a niche clique feel welcome on the platform the pond will get smaller and smaller, eventually stranding the whale. If nobody want to play with you your pile of steem is just virtual air.

Even implementing an option where you can only block someone after they flag you 3 times is better than no options for smaller fish.

@ashmodz, I'm waiting for the continuation of the topic

People are scared to talk about this. In fear of losing support from the whales that provide for them. You can't be seen saying something that your handlers would frown upon.

I think right now the developers are still working on foundational stuff. Like HF20 is primarily about streamlining the signing up process. That is still a super basic thing, but for Steem, that's where we're at. Perhaps one day they'll address these other issues that are serious for the people using the platform today, but who knows. As you said, communication when it comes to stuff like this is basically nonexistent.

I can't say I fully understand all the changes coming.. It all sounds great but from my basic understanding it seems like its really geared towards drawing in more 0$ invested users. Other than the exploit updates and faster transaction times. Again, I only have a basic understanding but, think we need more investors instead of more $0 users.

I think that the idea of blocking people could go both ways, great for the content creator, by denying people using all their money just to bring you down, and bad for the content consumers, because i've seen influencers and creators blocking, and banning every person who disagrees with them, sometimes leading to misinformation for their consumers

In my view its two-fold, the more advanced tactics you need to "bring someone down" the more pay-to-play it will become and intrinsic with sock-puppet accounts and brigading.

Appreciate your frustration but you are not alone in your thoughts...many posts have addressed issues like you mention and have suggested ways to change things...I believe some discord groups exist as of the beautiful things about democracy is...if a system isn't serving the needs of the will and power always seems to take priority regardless of the system unfortunately....

To me there are a few simple things that could be done. Maybe I am just not smart enough to understand why it wouldn't work. I don't see any solid case against some of the ideas put out there. Just silents and backlash.

I agree bro! I'm following you now...

What ideas do you have for improving Steemit?

That's an interesting idea. I can get behind it, but then we also need to find a way to curb spam and abuse.