To expand on the reply I gave elsewhere...
Lack of comments is frustrating. The only thing I can suggest is find some more folks to follow and comment on their posts. Lots of times, they'll check out a new person in their feed - especially if their following is small.
My suggestion is to beef up the number of folks you follow. Think of it as adding chum to the water. Folks can't follow your feed to comment on your posts if they don't know you're there.
I've found the best way to seek out new people is browse the posts under certain tags. Just plug in a topic in the search window in the header to narrow down the search. Adding a few of your interests to your profile would help, too, so folks will know what you like to talk about. (marxrab can help with that if needed, I'm sure.)
I suck at networking. Period. Always have. I'm usually shy and like to hang out in the background 'til I get comfortable. If I can do this, you can, too!
Besides, who can resist a sasquatch smile?
Thanks for the advice, @aunt-deb. Ill definitely try those things. Ill get @marxrab to help me improve my profile. She has already told me I need to step up the networking, but I really have always been terrible at it. Really though I guess I just need to look around more in the tags that interest me and comment on some of those posts.
It should help get the ball rolling. Try this - for the next two weeks, find one person a day to add to your followed list. Make one comment on one of their posts. That's it. You can do more if you want, but this way it's a low pressure goal. At the very least you'll have some interesting new content in your feed to peruse!
That sounds like a good plan of action.