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RE: Community Action - Lets bring Julian Assange to Steemit! Hes looking for decentralized spot!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I hold the keys to the @julianassange and @steemleak accounts, and have been trying to make contact to arrange the handover for over a year.

(Self voting for visibility since this is now a top trending post and I really want to hand these keys over already)


Great to know :) Hopefully he notices Steem in his research for decentralization

to a hacker, that should be child's play, breeze, picnic, easy as pie, duck soup.... :D

Once he finds out he will surely recognize!

how about finding and contacting him ? but i think you can't really do this unless you invite to the party, my good man (or woman .... or ... well, whatever doesn't matter)
what's in an expression after all
it would resonate better if you can get them both , who wouldn't agree with that, do we have linus Torvalds btw ? Kim Dotcom ? controversial .... yagh , well ...
anyone else, yea i can think of a few, can you get those first, please, as the cat that walks by himself community rousing is not really my thing. The sun king got his head lopped off coz the ad-vizer went behind the curtains i suppose. I dont like to bark either, i'll leave that to the dogs. But from up here on my tin roof i have great vision on this world of yours.
Your reach should extend your grasp ... or you will never grow. Go for ten-X (i got that term from a book ) if you end up with 5 you'll still have more than everyone around you hahah
GREAT IDEA, where do i find the man ? i'll ask him personally
ofcourse, many ...
Cody and Amir ... maybe if we shout loud enough (well i dont like shouting either) .. you ... or "they" ... maybe even Satoshi or Q can rise from the grave and join the revolution, seems like a nice place to be at first sight. I hope it sticks, and i hope it doesnt bubble and burst like twitter did under the weight of money first ... my credo here from day one still : if you're in it for the money first you're middle of the bell curve, you gotta do it with conviction, no one will believe if you don't believe yourself.
Assange and Snowden would be a good start
truly (yea i'm not known for my 280 character posts-)

lol, I wish I had read that before. If ever it get through let him that this other name is reserved for him too. @Transisto

I didn't know, someone can have -15 rep :D ...until now

really? can you prove that? I am interested I understanding.

We are waiting so much fake jullian assange soon.))) How get to know who is real?

He'd tweet his steemit username from his known/verified twitter account.

What awesome foresight and a great gift to the world!

One of the MANY contributions you keep making to the decentralized world of greater freedom!

Love you Brother!

If Julian Assange comes on steem we are waiting to the moon. This is great news!

Maybe I'll even buy a little steem now.

He'll probably show up when we least expected. lol

I like this did you make it ?? :)

That cool

I have posted to jon rappaport as well. I really don't care someones ideology as long as they are trying to disseminate genuine news/info and education. Suggest members reach out to anyone they feel is being censored by main stream.

That's crazy cool you created those accounts that long ago! I hope he takes the offer! Cool shit!

Be great if he got in touch with you for sure.

@ausbitbank what about @officialjulianassange ? also how much are you going to sell the account for ?

I don't have/want the other account, and this isn't for profit I'll hand it over free (with whatever balance is on the account)

Of course you will, because thats WHO you are!

Respect, Honor Gratitude∞§∞

cool... proud of you honey

Come learn about my vision...