My Top 5 Favorite Dog Breeds - With Pictures! (Cuteness Overload)
Dogs have long been known as man’s best friend.
It’s not hard to tell why – they’re overwhelmingly loving and often full of energy. But there are so many different kinds of dogs, and while they each have individual personalities, a lot of people have favorite breeds. So, here are my top five:
5) Finnish Lapphund
I mean look at it.
4) Samoyed
3) Black Lab
My first dog that I remember was a black lab mix (we think she had some border collie too), and thus black lab will always be in my favorites.
2) Border Collie
When I next choose a dog, I’ll probably go with a border collie. Smart and energetic, a collie would help keep me active, not to mention I love their appearance.
1) Siberian Husky
I’ve always loved the look of huskies, although I’m not sure I’ll ever get one due to having cats in the house (huskies have a high prey drive). Huskies are full of energy and adorable, despite being loud at times.
As @dogguy - I approve this message.

OMG I'm so jealous :O
This is an outrage !! I demand justice ! Very wow justice, to the moon !!
I like the Chihua-Rat (Chihuahua and Rat Terrier Mixed) myself.
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Lovely dog))
I have a husky that is 2 years old he is the sweetest dog!
I'm so jealous! Do you ever go adventuring with him? I want an active dog next to go hiking :)
When we lived in Colorado I use to take him hiking on this little 3.5 mile trail once a week. I really miss being able to take him out like that. We are in Texas now.

No golden retriever! WTF! So adorable, so neurotic, so kind, so silly. My favorite dog.
I have a friend who loves his a lot. It's just preference. There's a golden retriever corgi at the end though, does that count?
I'll count it. I upvoted anyway for cute dog pics. Im a sucker for dogs.
Haha putting the post together took forever because I kept getting distracted looking at them
You should totally get a border collie, but watch out they sometimes outsmart you haha. My friend's got it and it constantly opens rabbit cages and eats them, opens animal pens and sets them free lol.
I upvote U