How NFC phones can steal your credit card info !!! oO

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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Smartphone payment systems like Google Wallet give Android users the futuristic ability to use their phones to make payments with their credit cards. Research Eddie Lee has taken that trick a step further: Using an Android phone to make payments from a credit card that belongs to an unwitting stranger.

In a talk at the Defcon hacker conference in Las Vegas Friday, Lee demonstrated an Android software tool called NFCProxy that's capable of both reading and "replaying" data from contactless credit cards--any of the common payment cards with embedded RFID chips that allow payments at retail outlets' wireless point-of-sale devices like these. undefined

After using a Nexus S phone to read his own contactless Visa card onstage at Defcon, he then used his tool to relay the data a moment later to a point-of-sale device, where it was accepted as a payment. "I’ve just skimmed, abused and spent someone’s credit card within a couple minutes. It’s really simple," he told the crowd.

Researchers have long warned that the 100 million contactless credit cards currently in circulation, branded with names like PayPass, Zip, payWave, and ExpressPay by Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express, are susceptible to a stealthy attack: A fraudster could brush by a target and stealthily pickpocket his or her card's data with an RFID reader without ever touching him or her, through the victim's clothes and wallet. But using that victim's data hasn't been quite so simple. The data wirelessly sent from contactless credit cards doesn't include the user's name, PIN or the three-digit CVV. Some researchers have demonstrated ways of abusing the cards nonetheless: Hacker Kristin Paget showed onstage at the Shmoocon conference in January that she could use a magnetizing device to write the stolen data to a new card and make a payment to herself using a Square attachment on a phone. Lee's attack is far easier still: NFCProxy, whose code he published online, allows anyone to both read and use a victim's data with a cheap and inconspicuous phone, spending the stolen money at retail stores who would have little way of knowing that the phone isn't simply running Google Wallet or a similar service. "The form factor makes a big difference. The phone is a very innocuous device," he says. "This isn't a new attack. It's just making it really easy to use and abuse."

NFCProxy requires that a user root his or her Android phone and install a very specific version of the Cyanogen modified operating system from earlier this year, one from a brief period when one of Cyanogen's open source developers added the ability to emulate a credit card reader. (The feature was likely deleted later because it conflicted with the functionality of Google Wallet.) Lee also acknowledges that reading the credit cards with a phone often takes multiple tries, though an attacker wearing headphones could listen for the telltale beep that signals a card has been successfully read.

Lee designed his tool to be able to send credit card data across networks to other phones, so that the skimming and spending of a user's account can be performed in different locations. And NFCProxy can also act as a more general tool for analysis of so-called "near-field communications," potentially allowing users to analyze and find vulnerabilities in other wireless technology like corporate ID badges and mass transit passes.

Lee says he isn't trying to enable credit card theft or other crime. Instead, he's trying to make credit card holders aware of the danger of contactless cards, and to drive home the point that researchers have argued for years, that the payment card industry needs to shore up the security of contactless payment systems or ditch them in favor of old-fashioned magstripe cards. "If credit card companies see how easy this is to use, maybe it will incentivize them to finally fix my credit card," he says. I reached out to the Smart Card Alliance, the industry group responsible for the contactless card standard, but didn't immediately receive a response. When I spoke with the group's executive director Randy Vanderhoof in January, he defended the cards' safety, pointing to a security feature that generates a unique code that changes with every transaction. If a single code is used multiple times or multiple codes are used in the wrong order, all transactions on a card can be blocked. “The truth is that consumers should be embracing this technology because it’s making them safer,” said Vanderhoof. “Efforts to try to discredit the use of chip technology in cards is only making the users of the existing technology more vulnerable.”

But it's worth noting that security feature is far from foolproof. It merely requires the user of NFCProxy to make a payment using a card's stolen data a single time, and to do it before it's used by the card's legitimate owner.

Vanderhoof also pointed to the fact that there's been no known cases of criminal exploitation of the cards since they launched in 2006. “We’ve got six years of history, a hundred million users of these cards, and we haven’t seen any documented cases of this kind of fraudulent transaction," he told me. "The reason we think that’s the case is that it’s very difficult to monetize this as a criminal." Please vist my

Hack The World

With tools like NFCProxy making contactless card fraud more practical all the time, that difficulty is starting to seem like less of a safeguard.


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okay, I have a few things to say about this. First, stealing using NFCproxy is NOT a new thing. Like this article says, it has been around for years and the credit card industries have been ignoring the issue. However, I do not agree that the best way for these companies to start to do something about it is if hundreds of thousands of victims start to complain about their cards being stolen. There is no reason to have so many victims have to suffer for this, when most of them (ironically) are sorely misinformed about how NFC works and just how easy it is to steal. Most people have no idea, they think these pay platforms are secure, like a bank (HAHAHAHA). They have no idea that if they keep the NFC on their phones off, then the information is not scalable, until it's turned on by the phone user. Why doesn't Lee take this information to the makers of these "wallets" and perhaps provide them with a solution, instead of PUBLISHING his stealing platform for all to use!!

@queenpine thanks for the reply
i post this only to show that crimanls always found they to your wallet
and creadit card is always threat by scamers ,and alt of peapole may know about phishing scamas and fake bank websits but 90 % OF THEM they do not have any idea about such mothd of hacking