Steemit Morale Boosting Challenge Day 3 (Tag a Steemian who you think deserves some recognition!)

in #steemit6 years ago

ATTENTION PLEASE! Do you know of a Steemian who you think deserves some recognition for the GOOD they do on this platform? Today's CHALLENGE is to give a shout out and link to the blog or post of some of the awesome people who sometimes slip through the cracks on here.

So feel free in the Comments section to show some love and give some props to some Peeps! One link per person, Upvotes and Resteems totally appreciated to keep MY morale up on here... ;) Instead of tearing each other down which can be easy to fall into at times when things are stressful and chaotic... why not build each other up? Instead of lashing out (I've been guilty of this one recently myself)....why not try to inject some tolerance and understanding and try to not scare off what small amount of active users we still have? TAG....YOU'RE IT



Say now, why all the FLAGS?

😨 🤬

Must be...

...Team Evil...

cause...assholism :)

Seriously when i came across this i was happy. Its a welcome idea as it will help build the confidence of many like me who are but few months here.

I am not being selfish or self selfcentred but i am gonna start the nomination with this fellows;

Thanks for showing us all love here.

My shout out goes to @tawasi who challenges the system in the best ways possible, makes you think and does good and is just kickass in my book...

adding since clearly my one rule of one entry was epic failure, so gonna join that,

Much love

haha breaking your own rule, your one and only rule! That's so you lol thanks for including me :*
I'd say @calluna @tammizzle @dreemsteem @malloryblythe and of course @battleaxe ;)

good choices! my vp is pretty crappy atm but even at this people gotta realize it still helps raise reps....54 now I see, :)

Ah sorry I shouldn't hug an almost married woman but I couldn't help it lol

Aw thanks buddy!

Thank you for the tag 🤗🤗

thank you @hazem91 :) hey.. if you see Taco - please give her a massive hug for me and tell her we all miss her terribly. Our hearts are with that sweet girl!!!

@tawasi is amazing. He applied to @TheSTEEMEngine recently and I think I had him in his seat before the ink was dry on his application.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


@enchantedspirit and @catweasel for their excellent curation
@crazybgadventure for Shoutout Saturdays which I need to get back to
@battleaxe for being battle
@enginewitty for being him
and the others you already mentioned battle

thanks for mentioning me, people have no idea the slings and arrows some are taking for others who won't fight their own battles at times, not complaining just saying perspective is a lot and people split hairs while you have entire groups under pressure and threats from real issues..imho
thanks for the shout out , (you feel my eyes rolling don't you, lol)

Who else could I possibly be?

Definitely don't be me. It's hazardous to your health.

I'm hazardous to the platform , these downvotes and freaking asshats telling me who I can and can not hang with , believe that, cough

What an awesome idea my shoutouts are to.

@enchantedspirit and @catweasel for the awesome curation and support they offer.
@shadowspub for PYPT
@ethandsmith for the great work he does on the platform.
@ancapbarbie Who will defend you till the very end.

@wonderwop for his funny freewrites and active participation in the @freewritehouse encouraging everyone.

@mariannewest for starting the whole #freewrite thing that inspired me to finally start writing again. for his awesomely hilarious and witty stories that make me smile as well as his encouragement of others

@snook for the amazing ray of sunshine she brings to the platform with everything she does. Her encouragement and introduction of several different initiatives on steemit has kept me going more than once when I was ready to give up.