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RE: Something Extraordinairy is Happening... Steemit: through the EcoKnowMe lens

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Almost to the day, since I started the adventure of this new world, we have been having intermittent internet outages...sometimes for many hours, sometimes for minutes. The static on the phone is so loud I can't hear or be heard. When it happens I realize how much the internet has come to mean to me and the frustration over not being able to be connected to others all over the world and share their experiences.

I really dislike the way cell phone use has taken over people's lives so they can be with real people, having real experiences, and yet be on the phone. Once when I was taking a walk in the woods I met up with three young fellows who were all using their phones while walking. I started a conversation and they all put their phones away and we continued walking along conversing. I do hope that they could see how very odd it is to be connected to others by phone when actually spending time outside, in a beautiful setting, with friends.

I only ever watch TV during football season but with the internet down so often we turned it on just to get the weather for the day. It really is boring to have to listen to the local news for so long until it is finally time for the weather. To say nothing of those long minutes of advertising!
My greatest loss when the crunch comes will be the internet.


maybe if we all connect with our own blockchain technology and decentralized communication systems, we can still enjoy the best of what we filtered from the internet with each other and rebuild. your comments resonated with me and I'm glad you were able to slice off some screen time for others and (hopefully) remind them of the life they are already living. It's hard to imagine what we now call the internet will be like in even a few years. But hopefully the crunch doesn't come in the way we think it will, maybe just a downsizing of the excess we no longer need (big companies managing our lives online for us) hopefully steemit will be able to evolve to meet those needs as they get closer to being realized. Thanks @bchick for sharing :) Also, if you are in Victoria, do you know anyone who has a house available for August? I have a famous artist friend who will be doing an installation downtown working with Indigenous Women to tell their story. Her name is Shiv Shilo Suleman if you wanna check her out and her group is called The Fearless Collective. Just thought I'd ask.....

Sorry, I am in New Hampshire.
I love your writing and lifestyle. You have shown so much of your world and world view and that has opened my eyes.
Who could have thought 10 years ago that we would be where we are now in the world.
Everything keeps escalating more and more rapidly so that by next year, when we will have been in the steemit community for a little more than one year, it will be hard to remember today.

But we all still need food and that is what I can share in my local area.
Want to come by this fall for a virtual apple picking day? Today we are offering sour cherries and sweet raspberries.
Next week the green and wax beans will be available.
The week after that a variety of peppers will be ready for harvesting.
And we have more eggs than we can use that are so wholesome and rich and yellow.
Come by and see my little world.

Yum! Sounds delish! will certainly stop by. I must've gotten my wires crossed figuring out whom is whom, still making connections of faces, places and stasis. I wish I had too many eggs! Getting farm quality is unpredictable offline here, easier to just have your own hens :/

NOT easy having chickens here. I just stopped the whole thing about free ranging them as of all 11 we have ever had only one is left. Lee, my poor lonely chicken.
Since I have put her in the chicken house and only allowed her, with her newly clipped wing, access to the run I have found a snake in the coop with her and yesterday a groundhog in the run with her. She makes me more and more nervous.
At least I am getting a lot of exercise running out to check on her loud squawks throughout the day.
Build another one of the tire based living quarters, safe as you can make it, before you get those chicks!

Hope she fairs well, but she seems to be in good company! Maybe when the new HQ comes, they can have a club! For ladies that don't give a cluck, Or Tired house, Sprightly Chicks HQ. Someone told me about a chicken house/ greenhouse combo that works really well. fertilizer, warmth, CO2 and plant leftovers endlessly cycling with eggs as a side effect.

At this point I would say this option: For ladies that don't give a cluck
We can start a new community!

Next chicken house I will get one like in the video below. It gets really cold here in the winter and then the water could be kept inside and not freeze...wouldn't need electricity to keep it warm.