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RE: @ned - are we on the verge of a Steemtrain wreck? Answer NO - BUT THERE ARE STILL VALID CONCERNS

in #steemit7 years ago

I felt I had to post this. The lack of comms is really really bad. I have absolutely no idea why they would allow it to get to this. After all, it's so easy to communicate on steemit.

I think the HF19, as I think @dan and @aggroed (among others) predicted, was a mistake. I was all for it becuase I thought it would be fairer.....shows what I know!

This is sue though, if it is real and the lack of transparency is really concerning. I hope they address it now.

Not sure why you couldn't get me on chat?? I am not often in there but I'm supposed to get e-mail notifications and my account is definitely working last time I checked!

cheers bud.


I don't think we should blame hf19. Block chain based data systems are relatively new. Steem is an experiment as is Bitcoin. Whose to say bitcoin will be able to keep up with its growth and the nodes will just need too much disk space to work in say twenty years?

Bitcoin has been running for eight years. It has worked this long and that gives confidence. Steem has worked two years and yes in order to do anything interesting the straight forward approach means you need an RPC node. I feel elfspice is sincere but that doesn't mean he is correct and if he is incorrect it doesn't mean he is insincere.

I am not blaming HF19 for what @elfspice is talking about.....which is an issue with the database architecture as I understand it.

I agree, either way I believe @elfspice's intentions are good. There are too many observable issues which combined with his explanation, right or wrong necessitate far more communication from and @ned.

HF19 had nothing to do with it. It was going to hell anyway, already, beforehand. HF19 just extended the bonanza of rewards pool milking to everyone, instead of just the premined giant whale accounts, who were already doing that 'responsibly' before.

I'm not holding my breath on there being any change in the leopard's spots. They have kept denying thte facts of my own experiences, but today, none other than @furion came out and said what I have been saying since I first started to try and work with steemd

Full rpc steemd nodes are a challenge to run. Currently, they require expensive servers with 128GB of RAM, and regular baby-sitting. To my knowledge, there are no open solutions for managing steemd clusters . Such software would be much appreciated, not only by developers, but also exchanges (currently, both Bitfinex and Poloniex have STEEM&SBD deposits/withdrawals frozen, as they are failing to tame resource hungry steemd [2]).

As nodes became harder and more expensive to run, community powered nodes disappeared.
Aside from @gtg's node, I am not aware of any public nodes. As far as I know, two of the best community developers, @jesta and @good-karma run their own. Steemit's nodes are generally a bit slow, and occasionally unreliable [3].

BTW @furion, I already wrote failover scripts, and if anyone had been sponsoring my work, even a little bit more (and I did this work while living in a homeless shelter and spending my days at drop in centres) I might have already provided the solution they were looking for.

But nobody wants to support my work, because I tell it like it is about the shit I am dealing with, which looks bad. Damn straight it looks bad, because it is bad. Amazingly, it is possible for a piece of shit to smell like shit.