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RE: 10 Ways to Fund a Steem Growth Project!

in #steemit7 years ago

Go fuck yourself @jerrybanfield, you two bit scammer wannabe.

People, don't fall for this bullshit. This is EXACTLY what he tried to pull on the DASH community but they were smart enough to reject his nonsense.

Don't be sheep. Open your eyes.

Can you REALLY trust anyone who wears a "Prayer" tshirt? . Makes you think he's got something to hide, doesn't it? (Hint: he does)


I feel like starting off with “go fuck yourself” adds a bit of illigimacy to any claim. Plus how will this get any change to happen?

so does a negative 17 rating...

What do you have to do to get a negative 17 rating? I'm pretty new on here..

Create a shit storm by attacking well established members/whales...

Ah..I was think'in as much...thanks.

It takes a whole lot of downvotes with very few up votes. Pretty sure he's attacked quite a few whales and non-whales alike. I've been downvoted by him before... no idea why...commented on the wrong post I believe

Yeah who knows hey? I was down voted for posting on the windows update not being a good idea yet. Maybe there's an altruistic motivator in there we're not aware of. "How dare I run windows..get a linux box"! maybe that's why...i dunno. I'm just gonna post what I post and let the steemit gods decide my fate!


Amazing post, my favourite post on steem

@travelersmemoire, i sure love your response, while we try to correct an error we often times go over board to do this.
Truth is, everyone has his own mind and can make his own decisions, if you believe its cool for you, then go for it and if not cool for you then chill out

My 2 cents!

@travelersmemoire You kinda have a point there lol

If you want a look into the nature of his scammyness, you can watch this video and gather your own opinion

I am from the Dash community, and I voted for his proposals.

The Dash community missed out, and to be frank, I understand Jerry's position to not want to return: go where you are accepted!

bernie you just posted accusations with no argumentation - what should this tell us about you !? the post of jerrybanfield is like a how-to for me, where do you see the scam?


no such thing as reward pool rape, its an invalid concept. That money is not yours, goes to whoever gets the upvotes, steempower is part of proof of stake, its delegated proof of stake,

Whoeevr gets the upvotes gets the money, and yes many people upvote theselves, this isn't some sort of magical socialist blockchain where every user gets fair share NOPE the rward pool is Money that COMES from the VALUE INVESTED I steem BY THE WHALE. OH And when you EARn a large stake, ITS NO DIFFERENTTHAN WHEN YOU BUY UT, you STILL havethe Freedom to SEL it and DUMP steem.. So those who HLD steempower are PROVIDING VALUE to t he blockchain... NO RAPE POSSIBLE OK?!?!

You act like that money was going to be evenly split amongst the bl;ockchain before evil jerry came in and upvoted himself, nah thts not how it works, people pay for upvotes popel give free upvotes people self upvote its all acceptable, stop actinglike wehave to follow some weird social rules that You come up with

If you want to be mad about something, be mad about the broken system where ONE stakehodler can CANCEL THE STAKING rewards of ANOTHER stakholder (via uncontrolled flagging ) , how crazy would it be if Bitcoin worked that way? How crazy would it be if One bitcoin mine that was big enough could just cancel the block rewards of another smaller bitcoin mine? Imagine if you could FLAG Bitcoin miners you didn't like and get their block rewards canceled out? That's what happens when crazy pyscho whale on steem go around flagging people they don't like for no good reason, its why communities is being built so we can ban certain whales from having any say in our future post in OUR own communities... It is also why EOS has to be built to compete with steem.... The $3 million dollars in steem/SBD given out every week on the steem blockchain is NOT te property of the community.. It goesto steempower holdrs ... They hold the upvote power... End of story no debate tis is not "the commons" for everyone to share...

And please forget the lame argumen about how we should be rewarding better contentthat "deserves" that money, that is not UP to you, buy some steempowerf you want a beiggr say... This is NOT going to be reemmbered in a ear or two the content CHNGES

what matters is we have a good SYSTEM not about how godo or bad you think our content is! That will CHANCE when the reddit users come! We wil have ALL the best cntent on the inetrnet! Its inevitable! Thisplanet has the sa 7 billion people they just shuffle around to different website! They'll all eventually end you ere because we pay the best!

But yeah content CHANGES evryday! No one on reddit talks bout the od posts from years ago and no one on steemi will know or care about old posts from years ago!

I'm gonna add my two cents into this.
i totally understand where you're coming from. whales do hold the power, and they put the investment in, so that makes sense. However.......
One thing that should change is the ability to see posts that aren't trending. There is a lot of good content out that we cant see because of the fact its not trending. The only way i can see these new posts is if I'm following said user.

Yeah, they put the money in when it was worth 10 cents per steem, so it is no longer an equal playing field. Those that got in early have a disproportional amount of power, and any dissenting opinion or different point of view that threatens their earning, is brought down, flagged, etc.

I stumbled upon steemit last month through a Youtube video of @jerrybanfield that came up as a related video when I watched a video on CRYPTOCURRENCY. My gratitude to @jerrybanfield for that.

Anyway, about good content getting lost in the vast number of posts that are not relevant to one's interest is a huge issue here and going forward this should be addressed.

I have a strong feeling once a good SEARCH mechanism is put in place most of these problems will be handled.

We must all remember that this is still in it's "beta" phase.

Some of the sugesstions I have:

  1. Open up older posts for voting and "author rewards" after a specific time (perhaps after 30 days) for a second round of voting. There can be some criteria for that particular post to qualify for this.
  2. Also I see many new users just go on repeating the same comment such as "nice post" "vote me" some not even correct English and some even repeatedly in the same post. After a warning these members should be penalized because I feel strongly they are really making steemit into jungle of unnecessary comments. The comments section in a Post should be kept clean of SPAM at all times in my opinion.

There are many more suggestions but I strongly felt IMHO these two needed to get out there in the community.

thanks for explanation @ackza. people can complain, but the positive way of complaining things is by giving a concrete/solid evidence of what we are complain about. that is what I understand of build good community. community is built base on having same interest and respect each other (at least). but when real money is involved then many things could possibly turn wrong. in this case I guess some people think there is an unfair treated. as I see the point of @berniesanders's comment is about "@jerrybanfield talking some bullshit on his post" without providing evidence. not to teach any one here, but to be honest to myself, this kind of confrontation will have no solution. correct me if i m wrong. cheers



that's what he considers "Quality content" LOL. The problem is, what a whale can do? flag him and get him bad reputation? he has -17 already, it will not make any difference

@ackza I have no idea who you are or what you do in life! but your fucking amazing!

@veerall this always beat my imagination. Its unfair and disheartening to see posts like this earn cool rewards and some good post earn pea nuts. It's discouraging honestly.

Usually, the people who complain about their posts not performing well enough haven't been here all that long, don't have many followers, and haven't established a reputation as someone who consistently produces quality content. You can't expect to jump into anything and be successful immediately. That's not how life works. Put in the effort to gain followers and a reputation, use the tools at your disposal effectively and responsibly, and everyone can get there eventually. Complaining and namecalling isn't going to help much, though.

Thank you @marksheppard! You inspired me to finally write a post on 'How to deal with "doners"' Not only on Steemit but in general!

Are you sure? The trending page is literally bullshit! I hope you do realize that.

Do you know what literally means? ha. Joking aside, I don't really look at the trending page. No one has to.

I don't really look at the trending page. No one has to.

Try visiting the Steemit website without logging-in to your account--and let's see what you get.



well, then don't go bursting your head to research, when you can post only heaven knows what, and make money...s...i...m..p...l...e...

happening since long.. iv posted a 100 times, but whales ignore it or say its not in our hands.. i feel the steemit meetups are crap if they cant solve this issue.

@veerall I have visited the last 10 or 15 of your blogs. Most of them are nothing more than a photo with a couple of words (sometimes no words). You can’t seriously be surprised that whales ignore you when you produce blogs like the one in the photo below?


If you want to recognised on steemit - a site which is dedicated to writing and blogs, try writing something interesting.

Hang in there. I think there will be solutions to this very soon. As you say it can be discouraging but I feel these will be solved.

I too am amazed at some content that are almost "life changing" information and spectacular writing and presentation just get next to nothing and some posts with a photo and a paragraph get a few hundred votes within hours.

I Trust No One that Wears A Prayer Shirt !! 0 !!! Nadda !!🙏👎🙏👎🙏👎
Just another gimmick !!

How tired you were.....

Go home babe your drunk lol

Bwahaha ! Totally Out Of It !!😂😂😂

@budgets is broken, you didn't even get back to my request. I broke down all the requirements and costs more than most of the "projects" you funded. I would of been happy with a "Sorry, No" but nothing as a response back means its broken. I'm not one to complain ever, but I thought I'd voice my concern with @budgets @jerrybanfield.

and you have every right to have concerns , the system is broken !😤

Thank you for making the proposal at I like the spirit you created it in with wanting to help promote Steem and give back. The idea needs to change because I do not wear pins and our world is filled with things like this that quickly get thrown out and add to the waste we create.

I appreciate the comment that's all I really wanted. I will not be using @budgets for anything in the future. For some reason I thought this was a group of steemians making a group decision about what to fund. Your "I" don't wear pins, so sorry no funding speaks volumes once again on how this system is broken. I like you man, ive always cheered for you even though some stuff you've done over the year has been questionable. (Like selling steemit accounts for $50) Time to pump the breaks man...

@reseller we do make the decisions with posts getting wide support and upvotes being funded while those with small amounts of upvotes and comments not get funded. While I send the transactions, I follow our collective will in doing so.

Your post at did not meet the threshold for review because we collectively did not support it enough and I provided a reason why that might be in the form of me personally not wearing pins which is likely the case for many of us.

While I never have sold an account for $50 and withdrew my service offering the same day I launched it, does sell accounts for 0.2 LTC which is about $40. This is a service by @someguy123 a top witness.

It is okay to feel hurt that your project did not get funded immediately as you requested it. I understand and have went through many failures here. It helps me to not confuse the results with the people involved. Those giving me critical feedback on my projects helped me as much as those that supported them. I harbored some resentment initially before I saw the feedback was what I needed to improve.

What I have given here is feedback I hope will be useful in the same way for you.

@jerrybanfield I appreciate the feedback and explanation, Thank you.

@reseller You should have received better support. Really good idea. I believe on a different platform you would have. This is how sports teams market. Also, @jerrybanfield consider how video and VR are gaining popularity: Millennials dedicate their dollars visually. Cryptokitties do not do much other than represent a symbol.

I understand that the decision was probably made because the proposal only received 40 votes valued at a few dollars. I also understand that the sports marketing platform is not the most conducive for high quality written content. But D.Tube and Zappl are part of this economy, so their must be a real world action we can take to reach those with a passion for creativity or art sense.

Weird how I found this depth as a minnow.
?Entrepreneurial powers activated?

Let's hope whoever Jerry prays to is not the same deity..., or whatever, that you don't pray to.

Let's hope whoever Jerry prays to is not the same deity..., or whatever, that you don't pray to.

I have to agree with @berniesanders on that! @jerrybandfield dosen't care about hes fans anymore or anyone else.
why is it always difficult for you to Upvote peoples comment on your post? Especially those reasonable comments that relates to your post?
It's all about money now! that's very sad :(
I'm still a big fan of you man but money change people.
Good luck, and good day.

So I am still learning the ropes of #steemit but I have a question about the upvotes situation. If its free to upvote, why I keep seeing people hesitant to do so? And that little dollar counter next to it, sometimes it goes up, and sometimes it goes down after I upvote but I'm not sure what it does.

Also, as for the upvotes, is upvoting your own coments in bad taste in this community?

I'm not too focused on the monetary part and I'm more interested in the unique content posted here, but it concerns me a little that it starting to feel like a battlefield and good content only gets "trending" if it paid to be promoted. Organic posts don't make it to the front. Am I missing something?

I've asked myself the same questions and I've gotten many different responses. Upvoting is free indeed, but your amount of voting power is limited. Some people just upvote their own posts or delegate the majority of their voting power to someone/something else. That might explain why some authors don't upvote any comments on their posts.

You can check how much voting power you have on

Upvoting your own comments is frowned upon by some, but not everyone. I typically don't do it unless I feel my comment needs to be seen.

Good that you're not too focused on the monetary part, you should focus on writing about stuff you like first. You can definitely also make money without your posts hitting the 'Trending' section.

I am so happy to see someone calmy explain this to these entitled noobs! Thank you for letting them know that it is NOT exactly "free", at least not MONEY upvotes.

Sorry it is not free to give VALUE upvotes, upvotes that actually pay out money

you MUST have steempower to give money upvotes. PERIOD. So why should something so valuable be given out like a cheap Obamaphone to every homeless person with an EBT card?

These upvotes arent't free, maybe yours are, but mine cost me a lot of time and money to earn and buy. I don't give out BIGones to just anyone

But go LOOK at y Blog. I make SURE that EVERY last commenter on my Blogs gets at LEAST 1 cent in upvotes from me or my friend @tytran UNLESS they post spam or shit, then they get a warning and then instead of flags I let steemclaners flag em and pay me in steempower its VERY nice thank you @anyx for creatig that! (He also made @cheetah ) ANYWAY you can SEEth I give EVERYONE (Except pammers etc) a 1 cent or MORE upvot.

I usually reserve the 1to 4 cent upvotes for the LOW effort shitty 2 - 4 word cments like "Nice Post" because I want to give them a chance, I know they have no idea how bad their short comments seem, I just am happy these people are trying, they will lern
But if you leave a GOOD comment or a RELEVAT image or funny meme, AYTHIG of value, you will get atleast a 20 cent upvote and for REALLY good commens, DEPNDING on my vote power that day, youll get a $1 upvote, (and tha means atleast $2.50 in SBD~! )

SO I peronslay LOVE giving out comment upvotes, I see it as away o ensure that al my fans get to leae my blog with somethig real in their wallets

but no one has any right to be openly angry about expecting free money from whales jus because you commented n thir post... That's insane... Imgine if whales had to give 100% upvotes to every comment on their blogs, they would NEVER have any upvote power for QUALITY content!

Most comments are TRASH, thank GOD whales save their VP for actual quality content! But if you D leave a goodcomment, ill be the FIRST to reward you with a $1 upvote!

Now I apologize for my Ager all throughout this Blog, but IT MUST BE MADE CLEAR to the Noobs that the Reward pool I NOTTHEIR to fucking ARGUE over, they shoul dbe GRATEFUl for the crumbs they are gettig on this platform they had NOTHIG to do with until recently, Its like they walk into a restaurant they ddnt build, and demand a job and then demand they get a tip and get mad when they don't get a tip, and then they ask why the boss isn't giving them a dree bonus their fiurst day, because the Boss has all this extra money, and it would be "Free" to ut give you some money, it diesnt "cost " them anything to hand you some "extra: money they don need anyway rigt? Hahh fuckin communist bullshit I all I hear! And I won't stand for it!

There is NO SUCH THING as reward pool rape. You CANNOT steal from the reward pool
if you want more upvotes, buy or earn some steempower

Why do you sound so angry? Why the need to call us "entitled noobs?" Then since you are a whale, you should speak up to clarify the documentation of the steem platform. It is literally stated in the documentation that there is no cost associated with upvoting, posting, etc.

Without adoption, nobody will make money anyways soon will be worthless.

I might be a noob here, and I'm still learning, and I want to learn, and I want to improve the community in any way I can (I'm a software developer) and I'm already working in some applications that can help the community, but most of the greed I've seen around here is not by the new people, instead is by those with power, and fights between them for various reasons I've seen so far.

I want to see this platform thrive, and I hope I can help others once I become proficient with the system.

Kind Regards.

Very amazing answer. And no, this is not a begging for a vote and past that shit. but its rare to see such a good explanation on stuff that might be even really difficult to be understood even if its explained.

first i read "no such thing as reward pool rape," then this. Thanks for making it easier to understand.

@ackza I agree 100% with your comments. There is only 1 way to get steempower, and that’s hard effort. Whether you wrote good blogs and got up-voted or whether you got a day-job, saved some money and invested it in steem, it’s the same thing. Both require effort.

The second point is that no matter how good you are, you can’t just enter steemit and expect the whales to start following you and voting you. That takes a long time. It’s like when you join a company. You might be the brightest and best person in the entire company, but you still have to join at the bottom, and the directors at the top won’t know your name, or care much about how good you are. There is no fast-track.

Those who come here saying “I wrote brilliant high quality content, but everyone ignores me”, have the wrong motives, the wrong attitude, and are dooming themselves to failure.

In real life, rewards are not instant - like winning the lottery. They take a lifetime of effort.

In the virtual world rewards can come much faster. Six months of excellent blogging can turn you into a star. People still come here expecting to be a star on their first day. It’s like the losers on “Britain’s got Talent”, most of them won’t make it.

@ackza. I’d be careful with the use of capitals.

thanks for explain it

  1. the money in the payout amount on each post fluctuates because it is tied to the overall Steem cryptocurrency blockchain which fluctuates in value.

  2. people with small accounts whose votes only count for a penny, maybe up to 10-14 cents of "potential payout" have a hard time voting on a lot of posts because your voting power drops each time you vote. so, if you are only able to upvote something for a penny, like me, and you vote more than 10 times a day, you lose 20% of your voting power. If I were to keep voting anyway, my vote would no longer count for a penny because my voting power would become too low. As is right now, my voting power is below 75. My vote is no longer worth a penny. If I vote it is still moral support I guess, but my steemit penny has no monetary value to the author. When a person with hundreds of thousands of steem power upvotes comments, their votes are NOT worth a Steemit penny. Their votes could be worth a hundred or more dollars. So, lets say 100 people comment on a post like this (not spammers but good commenters, such as you and me, and the person posting has enough steem power to upvote a total of $200 worth, they could use that vote to upvote EACH COMMENT $2. That is why people are sort of upset. Instead of spreading the wealth to other members of steemit, the earnings, like for instance the $1800 earned on this post, are not being used even in a small way to support community participation, which is SUPPOSED to be a fundamental principle of steemit.

  3. It is seen as bad taste to upvote your own post. I do and do not agree. Sometimes when a little account, called plankton or minnows, post good content, they earn very little. Cents. If they upvote themselves, they burn through one of their daily votes lowering their their voting power, but they earn so little to me its not a horrible thing. When people who have steem power high enough for a single $200 upvote, upvote themselves, they earn an addition $200 steemit dollars (combo of SBD and Steem) by barely even using voting power. That is what people consider reward pool rape. Paying yourself large amounts of money, then not distributing the wealth by supporting good quality content from posts or comments.

This is what I have come to understand from the just over two months I have been here. I hope that helped.

PLEASE DONT FLAG ME. I DID NOT ATTACK TO TAKE SIDES WITH ANYONE. I am neutral. There are two sides to this feud and I am not on either side. Just trying to help some newbs understand better how steemit works. { :

Thank you for clarifying. Your write up helped me a lot. I didn't understand about the Voting power and right now I'm at about 60% voting power. My account is a tiny little account with only 20ish Steem Power, Hopefully it will grow, I have a lot of faith long term on this plattform and I can already see that it is being used for good, however, some people that are up to no good seem to have a lot of power, hopefully that is a problem that gets fixed as the community grows.

Yes, I understand how you feel. What is helping me keep focus is basically paying attention to people and initiatives which are doing good, and trying to ignore the drama. Sometimes, though, the drama is pretty widespread and hard to completely avoid. Anyway, just try to focus on your goals here, and ESPECIALLY networking with likeminded people. Becoming friends and good acquaintances with people here is essential, in my opinion. if you are not already, you should consider joining the Peace Abundance & liberty Discord chat server to begin interacting with other people and making friends. If you go to @minnowsupport and look at their posts, you will find a discord link (I believe) to the chat room. I also have it listed at the bottom of all of my posts. Not trying to shill my posts, but I do have the invite link there if you have a hard time finding it other places.


@phedizzle I dont agree. This is not communism. Those who have steempower worked for it. It’s the same as having a large bank balance. You can keep the interest for yourself, or give it to whoever you please. You don’t have to spread it around, you can give it all to one person if you want.

If you would like to try being a dolphin or a whale for a week or more, you can lease as much steempower as you want through minnowbooster. It will only cost you a few dollars. For example, I could lease 9999 steempower for a one-off cost of just 166 steem or less. That’s a lot of bang for your buck.

If you vote it well, you will get back more than the cost of the lease.

So now you have invested your own money to lease steempower, who will you vote for?

Will you spread it around hundreds or thousands of blogs or will you vote for the two or three best ones?

Answer: It’s your choice. It’s your money. Do as you please. You can even just vote own blogs or comments if you want.

Its not free, it costs STEEMPOWER that is Steempower WE had to EARN or BUY ourselves, why would be be giving hat out for free?>!?!?! @bitcointip stop asking for welfare! @jerrybanfield doesn't OWE YOU SHIT wtf , you get a certain amount of money you can give out per day, it is called vote power, it goes down and then takes 5 days to charge back up all the wyif you use it all up.... Its NOT free... Its Money that can be given to yourself or your friends and fmily and fans and people you like, WHY would we be upvoting everyoen else when its OUR money t give out? ITS NOT FREE,

why do you always whine about not getting upvoted? Be better, and maybe youll get an upvte

you think everyoen who writes a shitty comment deserves a big upvote???

SORRY if I sound rude but I am TIRED of you noobs acting like you deserve all this free money just for showing up

most of you put no money in, you invest NOTHING and then you whine when you don't get enough free money

I'm not too focused on the monetary part and I'm more interested in the unique content posted here,

So youre a liar then,bcauise you HAVE to be interested in the onetary aspect or your either ALREADY wealthy, or youre just a fool... No one is notintrested in getting paid for thir work OK?

Stop acting like you are holier than thou, like YOURE just heer for the "unique content" and YOU don't care about the money, well MAYBE whenou actually start getting PAID you will?!?!

I'm TIRED of this naïve bullshit from noobs acting like they know better than experienced users ....

@ackza... @jerrybanfield put 10’s of thousands of dollars of his hard earned cash into Steem. He can do whatever he wants with his upvotes. It’ his money and his time.
All I can see is that @jerrybanfield is trying his best to make this platform more valuable for everyone, including himself. Is he going to make mistakes along the way? Sure. But I’ll bet that overall he will be great for the network in a lot of respects and one day his efforts may be a case study as to “what happened and why” as the future learns from him.
I take my hat off to Jerry and wish him much success without unnecessary criticism.
We need more Jerry’s that strive for excellence and don’t quit...

I found steemit thanks to Jerry. Since then I have produced hundreds of very high quality blogs and invested thousands of my own money into steem -which I believe will be a good investment.

I find him a bit nutty, but he’s a nice young guy who admits his own mistakes, and learns quickly from them. Also he is not attacking anyone. He is turning the other cheek to those who attack him.

I think steemit can thank him for attracting tens of thousands of bloggers. Steemit’s Alexa ranking has moved from 2175 to 962 in the last three months he has been running the steemit ad on youtube (an ad which he paid for out of his own pocket).

Money does change people! @bitcointip you are 100% rite good sir!

I know, It's just sad :(

That is worth a follow, if you get some time I could use some advice.


#SAVAGES!!!!! @berniesanders! lol Better than your daily dose of #coffee!