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RE: This will be my last steemit post

in #steemit7 years ago

There's a big difference between cryptocurrency & TMOTB. A system of money is just that - money. In the past, using coins, paper, whatever - that fact alone isn't going to make you a part of any "beast system." It's a necessary evil. So, neither is crypto going to do anything to add you into a mark of the beast system.

I am fairly sure that the "mark" will hit much closer to home - it will literally require you to change something in your DNA - by adding to it, or taking something away.

Why did God destroy the earth the first time? "All flesh had become corrupt."

Why did God save Noah? "He was perfect in his generations."

It was about his "seed," his DNA. It was still pure, 2-strand, double-helix DNA. No beast mixed in with it. All other flesh had become corrupt - and God destroyed it. Then, Jesus says in Matthew, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man..."

So, how was it in the days of Noah, when God destroyed all flesh - save Noah? All flesh had become corrupt. And, how will it be at the end? It will be like the days of Noah - and, once again, all flesh will have become corrupted.

Use of money or cyptos really has nothing to do with it - other than, yes - we are being condidtioned to use the next form of money, so that a one-world system can track & tax everything. But, using that money is not an act of spiritual rebellion.

Real spiritual rebellion goes back to Genesis chapter 3 - the serpent came to Eve and said 3 things:

"Did God really say...?"

"...your eyes will be opened."

"You will be like God."

I have no doubt in my mind that soon we will see a movement for genetic engineering, "upgrading" people. They'll be saying things like, "We will be like God." It's the same old lie.

Cryptos really have nothing to do with corruption of Gods' creation - at this point in time. Your body is the temple - not your bank account.