I completely agree and have said the same thing in other discussions. People much smarter than I am in the inner workings of Steem have said that this actually is occurring currently. Since we're actually awarded in Steem and not $$$, those small amounts of Steem Power that are credited to your account aren't showing as payout amounts or as individual rewards on your wallet history, but the effects should still be cumulative over time.
Hopefully this is true, and eventually the interface will reflect it.
Have any of you considered that 3 decimal points will seem foreign and odd to the majority of mainstream folk? This proposal is a P E R F E C T example of a need for a proper marketing team to make such user facing decisions. It may seem like a minor point to us but it may be counterproductive to those who don't yet fully realize the nature of digital currencies, such as divisibility. Remember, many in the mainstream won't be getting here from a crypto background.
Good point, but most will be familiar with $0.00¼ or something similar.
I disagree. Those folks I'm talking about will be puzzled by less than one cent values, b/c they never see prices like that. But then, I'm not a marketer.
Just my $0.02000 cent opinion :)
Gas stations all over the world have them.

Very good point!
The wallet page has 3 decimal.