Featured artists payout proof for - wall of fame nr 12 (featuring @jepoyasinas & @qyugmo)
Hello dear friends!
around 17 days ago we introduced the art of two amazing artists to the steemit-community and promised that we will transfer them everything that the post makes in equal parts.

As you might know @alexandravart is away for the moment and she will need probably to be less in front of her screen in the near future to avoid health issues. However, as she initiated this wonderul community project and she relies with a lot of trust to all her friends, it is an occasion to show how the team can effectively take over slowly the effort @alexandravart has been doing with regulartity and consistency. As I am feeling grateful to get this trust, be part of this family-like-team, to honor @alexandra work and as it is already a while we should have also honored the wall of fame 12, I decided to take the following initiative in the name of @ccommons.art and assume the responsability of it on my own if it would generate any troubles to anyone which are not intended (in between, I really hope everyone will appreciate).
To make this transfert 1st I checked the results
The two artists featured
Then checked how it is done usually
Then checked on the community account we started which could make the transfert to not touch to the rewards of @ccommons.art, and I transferded the payout equally to their accounts (making the number roundish) :)
sending to @jepoyasinas
sending to @qyugmo
Final result:
Thank you for sharing your art!
Thank you again for all your support and trust! I love to see this community grow with you!
For @ccommons.art and friends
with a lot of love,
Thank you. Iam honored to featured my artworks.
Hello @jepoyasinas, thank you for your message, happy you are appreciating! I am sorry I just realized I rounded to the inferior number, you'll receive another part hopefully if I can find sometimes today for your fantastic artworks! =)
It's a honor to contribute my artwork to the community. Thank you.
Our pleasure @qyugmo! Thank you also for your message and appreciation! As I mentionned to @jepoyasinas I am sorry I just realized I rounded to the inferior number, you'll receive another part hopefully if I can find sometimes today to support your fantastic work! =)
guys I received the payout for this post and as you can see is not very big I was thinking to wait to collect 2/3 payout proof posts rewards and than split it between you and @irwanumpal, because at this point is under 1 sbd ...
no worry =)
I just want to say thank you for this amazing surprise :)