So, I want to introduce you to my HOT Celebrity Friends...
So, I'm trying to get my friends to join Steemit, but they think it's fake. Can you help me prove them wrong? I'm a big advocate of positive ideas and promoting new and exciting things that you just can't find anywhere else. I truly believe steemit is just that! When I told my friends about this new platform, they said "That's impossible". So, the smartest way that I could think of proving them wrong was to share a little bit about our personal relationship, their views about Steem and hope that this post gets voted ALL the WAY UP!

Huyen - The Fashion Ninja
Huyen is the kind of girl that everyone loves. She's really charismatic and loves helping anyone out, even without asking. She's a nurse by practice, but also owns a celebrity styling company. If anyone would know about the latest fashion trends and style tips, it would definitely be her!
HER OPINION: Why would people be getting paid that much money to write, this has to be a scam!
Ashley - The Cat Whisperer
Ashley is a lover of all things in nature. She's a very down to earth woman whose heart seeks adventure. Ashley is a full-time model with various agencies in LA and NYC. She's not very tech savy, but loves to take time to read and write when she can. Her favorite food is italian and she also speaks 3 languages.
HER OPINION: Steem Dollars, thats a fluke, if its not REAL dollars, i'm not messing with it!
Ivan - The Humming Bird
Have you ever seen that hit show, Empire on Fox? Ivan plays Royale-T on the show. When he's not acting, he's a pretty busy bee. He travels from state to state every month doing singing performances. Not only does he sing and act, but he also writes music too. He's Super talented and loves to bring only good vibes to the world.
HIS OPINION: Ask me about it again in few years, hopefully its still around.
Nesha - The Chocolate Connosseur
Nesha is a lover of all things chocolate. She's actually been a food critique for 3 well known magazines in Miami South Beach. Whenever we need recommendations, she's the gal to ask. Pure EXPERT! Nesh is also a full-time model in Miami. She's worked with hundreds of brands in print, commercial and digital campaigns. Her passions are yoga, crossfit, and jewelry marking
HER OPINION: Not too sure about this, seems kinda sketchball. I'd do more research if I were you.
Rich - The Gentle Soul
Rich is a cool guy who has many interest. Before he became an LA Model / Actor, he used to train dolphins for a living. It's got to be one of the coolest careers out there. He's also really big on collecting antiques, specifically old watches. Big outdoors person, he loves to hit the scene and soak up all the beauty that so many people crave.
HIS OPINION: Steem, is this like the bitcoin stuff you always talk about. IDK how that's good for me.
Kori - The Punisher
Kori is a celebrity personal trainer who works and travels all over the country. He gets actors and actresses whipped into shape, mostly through crossfit techniques. Before he did this, he was a pharmacist. He's really big on exploring and creating new food dishes. One fun fact you wouldn't know about him is that he loves to ballroom dance as well as volunteer at shelters when he can.
HIS OPINION: I don't really understand why people even care? Doesn't seem to exciting to me.

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When you think of it as a lottery it makes more sense. Buzzfeed writers are paid to write, but most articles likely cost more than they bring in. But if one in ten goes viral, it pays off in traffic.
The difference with SteemIt is the outsized and disproportionate rewards are being paid to bring growth to the platform. If it's a scam (and it isn't), it's a scam on the investors not the writers.
That's true, it's what I've mentioned to most of my friends. I'm actually going to screenshot ur response and send it today! Thanks for your help!
Hello @coincutietv, I am wondering if you would like to chat, or do an email interview. I'm looking for people to interview for my blog series. (Technically we'll just talk Steemit, marketing and entrepreneurship). Interested? Please reply.
They are rough critics and sound very similar to the responses or in many cases lack of response I've received from my friends. Living proof or leading by example are imo the only possible means of convincing skeptics. You have the right energy and approach that I feel through time will demonstrate the potential steemit would have in expanding their lives further down the paths they are embarking.