You Still Have a Chance to Appear in This Steemit Community Video! HURRY! ๐๐ป ๐๐ป ๐๐ป
Hey everyone, help @teamhumble to finish this cool Steemit Community video (by appearing in it!).
Read all about it here and see which lines are still available:
Reserve the line you want, make your video, send it to @teamhumble - DONE!
That's what we Berliners did yesterday at our @steemberlin meet-up. Here is our practice round, you'll see the final version in the video :)
@lrock was filming it and the performers are @danielerrey @juanmiguelsalas @embracingchaos @sature @yoganarchista and... I'm not sure about the names of the others :) (Please let me know in the comments if you see this, so I can add you.)
Maybe check out this contest, it is made to try and connect the members on steemit, make it more inclusive, get people exposure and to give people a chance to earn some SBD
absolutely brilliant. got the file, looking forward to putting this all together.