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RE: Ramblings about curation rewards

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Simply put; wether your a minnow or a whale you cannot understand curation awardings.
Let me digress, by understanding the algorithm of search engine optimisation people can con the system of the internet in their favour; so the punishment causes people to be careful trying to rig the system.
But no one can know the system since the users are always changing; and different users act slightly differently from each other. Even if this could be reliably factored the people policing the algorithm change their policies and procedures in response to users action to reflect different priorities they want their search engines to capture and present.
The Steemit algorithm follows what the owners want the system to reward, present and reflect...
Anyways that is my two cents worth of opinion, except some people have a greater understanding of such things. So while a whale can never know exactly how steemit rewards the whale will most likely get it right far more than the minnow (or dolphin). Over time the minnows and dolphins might learn enough to migrate into the deep ocean as well ;)


Right, the whale has a much better idea of what the whale thinks.

I mean all the information is the same in front of the minnow or the whale. It is just the whale has the attitude, knowledge and skills to focus on the more important bits of info; stuff the minnow simply does not realise is important, nor does the minnow understand why it is important.

This is why dolphins should be catching whales and minnows should be grabbing dolphins; (wink, wink) ... [a.k.a. read = kidnapping :) j/k ], anyways you get the idea, market makers are not born, they are simply committed, talented and educated...

Don't forget that the weight of the whale's SPs impact his own votes.