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RE: Steemit Account Verification - Verifying Third Party Social Network Accounts and Websites

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I am me on Steemit , on Facebook I am Ross , Pintrest I am John and on Twitter I am Mark . . .

Here I am me ; I need no clear identity except my Steemit footprint by my actions and interactions. No one needs to know exactly who I am to hear my tiny squeaking voice over the noise of the internet ! ! !

None of any of this needs to get confusing because I never use my real identity online, ever. In fact I have at least three Twitter accounts in different names and at least ; I forget well over five or seven Facebook accounts.

I forget since I never use them after I finished the missions I set them up for but for various reasons I have created no less than well over one hundred email accounts for various reasons. That is one of the things people do in cyberspace, create things they feel they need at the time and can do . . .

Of course knowing I was never likely to noteworthy on Steemit I used my real identity for my Facebook signup; thinking it would not ever be revealed openly : )

/ hugz ; )

And; if I ever feel someone really needs to truly know who I actually am, I will send them one dollar via Paypal. Plus I have at least three other ways to prove who I really am should someone really need that confirmation . . .

Just my opinion about someones real identity.


I fully expect there are many other users just like you, but there are also users like me who don't really care. Here is my website for the world to see...

I like what you are saying ; but when I drive I wear a seat-belt , not because it is the law but because I am safer with one on.

Personally I am the most boring person on the planet but that does not mean I want anyone to start profiling me and cloning my identity. It is probably 99 % safe to not wear a seatbelt , but that one unexpected crash will mean a world of hurt.

Someone only has to see me online as an easy mark and decide my identify might be useful for them to open up some crazy bank account or maybe buy disposable mobile cell phones.

Putting your life out online is to me the same as saying well yes there is thunder and lightning but I will be fine walking in the rain with my umbrella. After all Benjamin Franklin got away without injury flying a silly kite ! ! !

Maybe I am to old to think nothing bad can ever happen to me : )

/ hugz ; )

Ask those who have been the victim of identity theft how much they enjoyed the experience . . .

Sometimes I say f#$% it and don't wear a seatbelt.

And that is how the Army gets young soldiers; young people just think nothing bad can happen to them that is how you convince young people to walk around land mines and charge machine gun positions.

Young people just rarely ever stop to consider that sometimes bad things can just occur. After all most young people have been protected 75% or more of their life, then sometimes they find out they are not immortal unfortunately : )

/ hugz ; )

When i feel like saying f#$% it I choose to spit on the side walk to rebel against the injustices of the law, not try and do things that could easily paralyze me . . .

That was a joke. I'm a father and the only time I don't wear my seatbelt is when I'm driving 5 mph in our community with my boy at the steering wheel.

Apologies as an ex-paramedic I have an unusual perspective of what happens when soft flesh interacts forcibly with hard metal . . .

Call it decades of watching young silly peoples actions and inactions...

Some jobs and websites demand your social security number. Most people would give their social security number to Facebook. People who don't are not wrong not to do so.

Exactly. There should be ways to verify which are private. Verification isn't the same as being pubic. You don't need to go public to verify yourself to me as long as there is some automated process which allows you to verify.

Since I'm not a stalker or interested in harassing people, or in digging on people, I don't really care to know most people's personally identifying information. Just like I don't ask for people's social security numbers, and recognize the danger in giving it. But you need to be verified by some means, and once verified by those means, it should stick to your profile, even if I can never find out who you are.

I get spam emails such as send password or social number or we will unregister your site or whatever. Personally no one needs to know anyones real identity, this is not a bank lol. And if people really need to verify a real identify there are other places on the internet where peoples real identities can be accurately determined...

I myself met my lady online and after months I actually sent her my college login since the most she could ever do was unenrol me in some course, but I had changed any sensitive information. Once we slowly started showing trust the relationship developed further...

It would be easy to just tell college my account had been hacked and reenroll in whatever subject or other change had been messed up... And, everyone is an online stalker until proven otherwise; that is why I use different identifications on different sites : )