5 Ways to Reduce Anger in Today's World

in #steemit7 years ago

The Dangers of Anger

Anger eats you up inside and cause all sorts of health complaints. Which is why the health statistic saying "angry people are five times more likely to have a heart attack than calm people" is so scary. Not only this, it also puts you into a very vulnerable state on mind. The irony is that when you’re angry – you’re not in control (and control is the very thing that you are seeking!). When you’re not in control, you can end up saying and doing things that don’t reflect the real you.

How many times have you regretted saying things in the heat of the moment? How often have you felt upset at the way you behaved during an angry outburst? How many friends and family members have you hurt because of your own ferocity or anger?

The sad fact is – anger reveals the worst version of who we are, and it does little to advance us in any way.

Five Ways to Reduce Anger

Number 1

Start by becoming aware of how often feelings of anger pop up. Did you realize just how often you were caught in the grips of an angry thought?

Number 2

Observe why you are feeling angry in the first place – what is it that you’re trying to control?

Number 3

Notice if the person that you are angry at is even aware of how you’re feeling? Think about if it’s worth being angry if the only person it’s hurting is you?

Number 4

Isolate yourself from the emotion of anger altogether, sit back and observe the feelings and simply wait until the anger fritters away.

Number 5

Last but not least, end with a positive spin – choose to believe that even though things haven’t gone as you originally planned there’s always something to learn from the experience (look for a positive).


  • When you get angry at someone, do you let them know or do you hold inside? - I know I let them know, but in a way that could be hurtful.
  • In what setting do you most often get angry? ie - work, home, gym...
  • Does meditation work for you in eliminating anger?
