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RE: How Steemit Turned Me Away from Libertarianism and Freedom/Free Market Principles

in #steemit6 years ago

Libertarians are generally selfish and privileged and don't really care about anyone other than themselves, as long as they are doing well, fuck everyone else. I love the free market for letting me call people dumb cucks when they bow down to rich jackasses, but when those rich jackasses are stealing all the god damn money, and using it for themselves, it stings. I am a Social Democrat because I believe that governments and power should be ran by the people and for the people, rather than by the elites and for profit.

Most big whales I've interacted with tend to be on the selfish side and love to downvote dissenting thought and upvote propaganda for their warped perspective. I find that usually the dolphin range (1000-10000ish) is where I've met the most honest and thoughtful people. It's enough money invested to want to see the platform succeed and believe in the future, but not too much to corrupt them into only wanting to profit.

Obviously there are exceptions, but I do believe that everyone can be moderately wealthy and it would lead to a much better society than have rich tycoons and poor burnouts.

One nice piece of information is that money and happiness are not congruent in rising. For the most part, people tend to plateau in happiness when they hit the $100,000/yr threshold. It's enough to do essentially anything within reason, and enjoy yourself without splurging on million dollar yachts and launching cars into outer space. Everyone on Earth can live like the kings of yesteryear, if just a few rich cunts stopped being so selfish (I'm looking at you, Jeff Bezos).

STEEM is a fun example of true free market ideals, and I like it. I think we need more adoption before we can really say if it's as bad as you want to say it is. Right now the overwhelming majority of posters are right wing libertarian types, so it's not a real good pool to get a good feel from. One problem here is that a lot of left-wingers are afraid to touch it because of that (Trust me, I've tried to bring more people here as a lefty). I don't know if STEEM will reach the adoption that it needs to be a true test, but I'd love to ride the wave until we find out.


And sorry, I'm mimicking your comment partially because I dislike social democrats but also as a sign of respect towards the work you placed on the comment.

Most social democrats are generally selfish and greedy and don't relaly care about anyone other than themselves, as long as they are doing well, fuck everyone else. I dislike social democrats for not allowing people to talk and from narrowing down the freedom of individuals, while stealing all the god damn money, and using it for themselves and for others who have not deserved it, it stings.

Most social democracts I've interacted with tend to be on the selfish side and love to take money from others for themselves. I find that usually the capitalists is where I've met the most honest and thoughtful people.

Obviously there are exceptions, but I do believe that everyone can be moderately wealthy and social democrats are not needed to harm the entire society and causing scarcity for everyone.

One nice piece of information is that money an happiness are not congruent in rising. For the most part, people tend to be more happy in a society where people are treated well instead of promoting jealousy and hatred against others based on their success and wealth. By trying to remove the grand things from peoples lives you are also banning dreams of better, as everyone is being pushed to live the same, mediocre life.

STEEM is a fun example of true free market ideals, and I like it. I think we need more adoption before we can really say if it's as bad as schattenjaeger is saying it is. Right now the overwhelming majority of posters are poor people attempting to achieve better with minimal work, so it's not a real good pool to get a good feel from. One problem here is that a lot of left-wingers are not working for the best what they want, but trying to instead harm others because of jealousy. I don't know if STEEM will reach the adoption that it needs to be a true test, but I'd love to ride the wave until we find out.

Everyone on Earth can live like the kings of yesteryear, if just a few rich cunts stopped being so selfish

You realize that the overwhelming majority of people in the world live better than the kings of yesteryear right now, as things stand, right?

Cool response. Doesn't answer the question I asked, though.

You're incorrect, most people on Earth are miserable and suffering. Just because we have technology doesn't mean we are happier by default.

This is something I agree with 100%. I'm always amused by techno lovers who insist that just because we have iPhones now, we're somehow happier.

Everyone on Earth can live like the kings of yesteryear, if just a few rich cunts stopped being so selfish

I refer back to the quoted passage. Says nothing about happiness. However, objectively, the vast majority of the human race enjoys a standard of living that would make even monarchs of the early 20th century envious.

Seriously, there has never been a better time to be alive in human history.