Gain Maximum Curation with Auto-Upvotes

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)



I have found out about 2 very useful DApps on the Steem blockchain. Both have been around for awhile now, but from where I just started a few months ago on Steemit, I am just discovering them. So I figured I would share these tools with all of my fellow Steemians.


Steem Voter

Features :

- Auto-Vote : You can select Steemit profiles to vote give your upvote to while you are not online. It allows you to choose how long you wait after a post to upvote. What percentage of your upvote you give. A few other criteria as well, but those are the main two.

- Requires your Posting Key


Features :

- Auto-Vote : Same feature as with Steem Voter

- Scheduled Posts : Prepare your blog on Steemit like normal, but instead of posting, copy it all over to Streemian and pick a time for it to be posted. Be aware that posting times are in utc time zone.

- Requires your Private Active Key : This has been validated safe here.


Having auto-votes turned on will maximize your curation rewards, meaning your steem power won't just sit around idle when you aren't able to be active on Steemit. I find it useful, and you will still be able to upvote posts like normal while you are online. However if you have certain profiles that you want to support full-time and don't want to miss any of their posts; either because you enjoy their content, or because their posts always reward high payouts and you want in on the curation. Perhaps both. These two DApps allow you to do so.

I myself use Streemian for the added feature of being able to pre-schedule my posts if needed, but Steem Voter is just as useful when it comes to auto-voting.


Become a fan of me on Streemian here.

You will manually type in @daltono where it says “Become A Fan” on the left. After you do that A new form comes up on the right once you click my name. It will allow you to delay your vote as to not vote as soon as my posts go live and only benefit me, I recommend 15-30 minutes so that we both benefit from your auto-upvotes. You may choose whatever % of your vote that you would like. Of course the higher it is, the more it helps me. Lastly it asks for required tags, I would leave that empty so that it votes on all of my posts.

If you choose to use Steem Voter instead, just simply add @daltono to your list.

I hope that you choose to pledge a portion of your Steem Power towards all of my future posts enabling me to finally become sovereign and truly be able to blossom into the energetic human being who loves and wishes to change the world for the better.


Best Regards,


Staying up to date can be hard so I have made it easy, here are some of my recent posts, just click the banner to view the particular blog post :























I've been using steemvoter for two weeks and haven't seen the promised results. I haven't gotten curation rewards in 7 days, despite two of the three people on my list posting multiple times a day and one of them making an average of $400 a post.

Perhaps you need to adjust your votes. People who get a lot of upvotes in a short amount of time, you need to upvoting them sooner (10-20 minutes). People who do not receive many votes but you want to support you should vote (25-45 minutes).

Either way you aren’t going to get a ton of curation rewards with low steem power. You have to start somewhere though. Staying consistent is the only way to continue to grow.

Larger accounts will be the ones who benefit the most from auto-votes. I mostly just use this process to support people who I trust to create great content. I feel they deserve my vote, even if it is small right now. We must grow together.

I have been looking for something like this for a while. Thanks

Wonderful! I’m glad I could be of help. I tried to keep it simple and straight forward.

This is really useful, going to try it out!

Magnificent! I am glad you found it useful. I will add you to my auto vote list once I get home later tonight. Would you mind doing the same after you get your’s set up? Any percentage you see fair is better than 0% 🤗

Okay set it up :) Let's see how this works!

A great application for your mobile device is Steemify. It is free on the App Store if you just search for it.

It allows you to receive teemit notifications to your phone. There is even the ability to notify you whenever you upvote a post. Meaning if it auto-votes, you’ll get a notification that it happened. Then it’ll remind you to check that persons post out when you have time. I love that feature, keeps me up to date with everyone I’m close with.

I have a samsung phone, can't seem to find this app? I was excited!

I guess it is iPhone only. You can try the google chrome browser plug-in that does the same thing :

Or perhaps download the eSteem app, I’m not sure if it has notifications or not though.

Cool, will check that out!

This is great. I will use it some day sometime. It is a very nice idea. Kudos.

Wonderful. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

This is very useful in finding info that has not been known by many people

I agree with you, not everyone knows this exists.
I would love to have about 20 people who become fans of my work and set up auto-votes on my post so that I can continue to stay motivated to the maximum degree.

And do not forget to postpone our post so we can maximize our work

Sir i really appreciate ur work and ur thaughts about the huminity ..... some of ur point i dont understand because my english is not good but u doing well . Welldone

Thank you. If you need further explanation on anything I can help.
I will simplify my word choice.

Thank u sir ..... i am very happy that i follow such types of person .
Salute Sir 👌

Thanks for this! I had no idea that auto voting existed...of course... I find out something new about Steemit every 10 seconds.. lol. My vote is worth so little now that I doubt it matters, but hopefully that will change someday and ill be able to use Steemvoter!

You’re very welcome.
There is so much to learn here. I’ll be posting more about other extra features I have found that will help us all on our Steemit endevours. Perhaps follow if you wish to stay up to date.

Don’t get down on your low vote value. Mine isn’t that huge either, but I am growing more powerful everyday I stay committed.
If you set your auto vote to the right times/percentages/users you could still benefit hugely. All it takes is for you to upvote a post early enough that ends up being a huge rewarding post. You’ll be given your own portion of the curation rewards no matter how small your vote was. Just because you found it before it become a big hit. So I’d sign up for Steemvoter now and start reaping the benefits, even if it only ends up being a few Steem Power weekly. A year from now that could easily mean a lot more than it does right now.

Stay motivated and positive Em. You got this!

Thank you for the encouragement! I am definitely going to try it out now, why wait!

Ok sounds wonderful. Let me know if you have any questions.

Nice post thanks for sharing..

You are certainly welcome. I hope it helps you become even more successful on Steemit.

Thanks for sharring...

Certainly. I thank you even more for your time viewing my post.

You are welcome