
Well, I feel confident you can find a solution. I am just not as confident it will be accepted by the community.

We're all in this together now, but some are way deeper than others :)

Thanks for your attention.

we don't have any mechanism to deal with conflicts that cannot be resolved via a computer screen.
Talking with each other is essential to deal with irreconcilable differences.
@the-ego-is-you Nest limit reached.

have you ever considered the need for a conflict resolution specialist?

No offence, but don't we already have that "in theory", with whales, flag back at yous, trails, guilds, specially made bots and a crowd of people who end up saying the same thing over and over again?

It doesn't seem to be working so well for the moment and I'm very hesitant to add further centralization to that mix...

Much rather, I would like to see a sensible change to how downvotes are displayed and what effect they have.