10 Annoying things that babies do

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

....In no particular order:

(1) Poo at inappropriate times - ...You've arrived back home from a hard day in the office. You sit down at the table and take your first bite out of a chicken burrito when.... the little bugger starts making 'screeching' noises. You turn around and find that you're being stared out by the baby (who's face is getting redder and redder)....that's right, they've pinched out a loaf!!

(2) Have a tendency to put things in their mouth - Whether it's kitchen leftovers on the floor from last night's dinner (that evaded capture I'd better add!) or the heel of a boot, babies love sticking things in their mouth!!

(3) Cry the moment they're put down - You've got to clean the house or hang clothes out to dry. But will they let you put them down? ...Will they heck!

(4) Have the ability to change settings on your phone - How's this even possible? Even my eldest daughter managed to do this when she was a baby! They manage to randomly press things and completely alter the layout on the phone...I have no idea how to change it back!

(5) Wake up the moment you put them in their cot - It's like a 6th sense! And even if they're 'dead to the world' some other mishap will then happen (like a squeaky floor board or something falling onto the floor)

(6) Sleep sideways in your bed - Babies often wake up in the middle of night. Sometimes they just won't go back down. Under these circumstances you have no choice but to put them in with you. But why is it that such a little thing can take up so much room?!

(7) Wipe their snot all over you - You notice two green 'shoe laces' dangling from their nose but before you can reach out for the tissues your baby has snuggled into your shoulder and smeared it all over you!

(8) Knock food out of your hands - You're doing the 'big aeroplane' sequence and preparing for touch down in their mouth. But at the very last moment they stick their hand in the way....SPLAT! it's gone everywhere!

(9) Wriggle whilst having their bottoms changed - Changing nappies (diaper) starts to become a complex operation as a baby gets older and more mobile. You're starting to find that it's a two man job!

(10) Sick onto their fresh clothes the moment there put on - Unbelievable! I almost think they do this on purpose!!



One needs a whoooooooooooole lot of love to be able to handle them

You're right there. But normally when they've annoyed me they then do something cute like wave at me...how can you be angry when they do that!!

Don't forget, they pee on you when changing their nappies. Cheers Lol

Oh yeah! Thats happened a few times too. She likes to swiss it around on the changing mat with her legs

Lol priceless. Great post my friend.

Thanks DR!

...I'm just going through a rough patch with lack of sleep at the moment....I love her really!!!

Oh yes I hear ya. It will get better in 20-30 years. Lol

...with stress levels the way they are, I doubt I'll make it till then!!

Lol. Just remember your not raising children your raising future adults.