I'm promoting Steemit & dTube to my audience of 436,000...be a part of it!

in #steemit7 years ago


After a way too long of a hiatus, I'm returning to Steemit questions on YouTube

I have a YouTube channel with more than 436,000 subscribers, and I want to promote Steem to my YouTube audience. Previously, I'd done segment where I answer questions from Steemians on the YouTube channel as a way to promote and talk about Steem. This has been hugely successful. Check out prior episodes of Steemit on YouTube:

I'm going to be doing this again and I want you to participate!

How? Easy! Ask me a question (about anything!) as a reply to this post. I'll select a bunch of the questions and answer them in my next video promoting Steem.

Let's do this!


David I think you almost got it backward brother. Dtube pays more and the better platform. I think you will see many big content providers from Youtube come here to Steemit and Dtube. I m not a marketing expert but it seems to me the best investment and pay is here on Steemit and Dtube for video content providers. I follow you on both platforms so am always interested on your take. I to am a progressive so I am glad to have another progressive voice here. I feel though where you can really capitalize here is by being David Pakman. Do your political videos but also share who you really are and what you really think about life in general. On Youtube we see the Progressive David Pakman. Here on Steemit we can see that as well as the rest of your life. I, like you do politics every day. I love Steemit because here it don't always have to be about work. I can be me. Glad to see your content here though and you able to pick up another check. I love the work you do.

Isn't that all the more reason to promote Steem on youtube?
I see it as @davidpakman currently has an asset of followers on youtube that are doing very little for him other than possibly sharing his content. If he can get a % of that onto steem then he should do all the better, yes? Seems mutually beneficial to start routing his audience through to steem.
I heard about steem from David mentioning it on his full show. He's shown sound judgement in the past so I was quick to sign up. Becoming more interested I later transferred a tiny bit of crypto that I wasn't interested in holding anymore to SP, which presumably helps myself, David and steem.

100% agreement @Schrosct! More content creators on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram need to migrate over to Steem and use their followings to further strengthen the community here. I also think that we need to support one another in this process. It's important to maintain that communal identity with the platform, something that the other social media "giants" lost long ago.

Hi @davidpakman . I'd like to know what you think are the main bullet points for us to use when we do outreach to current youtubers in order to introduce them to Steemit. I have been met with some resistance from them due to the "clunkiness" of the platform. I suppose they expect it to be perfect. But, I believe in outreach and would like to do a better job.

It's been a common complaint from our followers as well @cflclosers. People do not like the layout on Steem and much of our older audience feel that the economics and Security measures behind the platform are overly complicated and not worth taking the hours to learn to use/setup. The ease of FB and YT is one of their strengths at this time. The strongest argument in my view is still the fundamentals behind Steem, but it's a case that will take a while to sell because many are not willing to listen at this time. As 3rd Party developers get caught up with the UI and build a more slick and user friendly interface, the migration of users will happen exponentially.

very good attempt

David!! How did I miss one of my favorite youtubers was on steemit! So I know you have made a few occasional comments about your crypto holdings, which if I remember was a pretty simple portfolio. It appears you may privately be really interested in crypto but maybe you downplay that when you talk about it on your show because you don’t have that same extensive knowledge you have when it comes to politics?

I know from your vacation stories you’re an avid reader and if you want to increase your crypto knowledge, I can recommend some reading picks to get more comfortable with crypto. See, I think you can take your idea one step further when you talk about introducing Steemit to you youtube channel. Why not expand that and do a short crypto only show covering some of the crypto basics, the blockchain technology and a little backround on its higher volatility compared stock market, and then get into real use examples such as Steemit in the end .Hey, If you can do a show on vegan cheese, you can do a show on crypto. You can even speak about new blockchain based voting apps and ideas to overhaul voting system with blockchain to make it basically impossible to hack without controlling 51% of network. Let me know if you want some reading recommmends, would love to see you do a full espisode on crypto !

Slightly off topic, but one of my favorite shows was when you went back on the show with the guy called Jesse that lives in his own alternate reality exposing the “children of the lie”, that guy just short circuited right in front of us! 🤪

Have you considered creating a GPG/PGP key? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Privacy_Guard

As a journalist this would let people encrypt messages intended only for you, similar to what Snowden has recommended in the past. You can associate it with an email address but people can send messages in many formats.

What is your opinion on people who use terms like "beta," "cuck," "soyboy" or "beta cuck soyboy" as insults?

Not that you asked me in particular, but...

My opinion is that those people should be ignored - because they are ignorant. Maybe someday, like when they grow up, we can have a civil discussion and talk...like adults.

Cool idea! Could you explain more how DTube, Zapply, Busy etc work together with Steemit? Ill find you on my YouTube as well :)

What is your favorite or the most interesting coin or platform you've seen that utilizes blockchain technology other than steem?

you are clearly clued up about american politics etc, what do you think about UK politics i.e. brexit , Theresa May , and would consider coming over here to interview some people ?

When prepping for a guest on your show, do you do any research into the person beforehand? How much do you try and find out first?