
I agree lol

LOL, don't be that Criticizing ​towards Media Outlets.

What I do hate about them is that they are standing at a Neutral Position when it comes to Cryptocurrencies, they are publishing both Good as well as Bad Content about Cryptos.

But as Human Beings we have a tendency to see only the Bad news. So FUD spreads.

cryptocurrency is a great example of what i mean. they have been spread fud since the end of december driving investor sentiment down. now the news is positive, price starts going up again. pure manipulation of people and not simply reporting on the facts. they are propaganda outlets of the deep state that actually runs the world. you need to read or re-read '1984.'

There are many Factors that are in Place for this recent Fiasco.

Whale effect - they just want Cheap bitcoin to buy.

Media Effect - They just want TRP's

Political Effect - They are scaring first so that they can collect taxes later.

Bank Effect - They are simply scared of Cryptos.