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You told me that you will not spam our wallet anymore, but I see you still sending us memos. Please can you remove us from the list.
You told me that you will not spam our wallet anymore, but I see you still sending us memos. Please can you remove us from the list.
Shouldn't happen again @dcooperation
Regards, Piotr
I too have explicitly requested that you stop spamming me with your advertising. This request was made in a thread on the blockchain, and you replied that you would honour my request — so the evidence is there for posterity.
Within a few minutes of telling me “this won’t continue” you unfollowed my account and muted me, which was fine with me. I don’t believe I was ever following you as I’m not interested in bullshit salespeople flogging their parasitic bullshit on my feed.
And yet, I continue to receive spam from you.
So I’m going to say this again.
Really clearly.
And I hope you get it through your thick numb-skull.
I am formally requesting that you stop sending me memos to my wallet promoting yourself or anyone else. I do not consent to you sending me piss-ant amounts of SBD and offering me the untold wealth and success that your blessed self can provide.
I don’t care about your business, or you, or what you do on Steem. This is my choice. Go do it elsewhere, just away from me and my feed.
Is my request perfectly clear to you?
I do not want to have to request this a third time.
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