She chose the red pill: Greetings, Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago


"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

Hi, my name is Dee, and I am a writer!

Writing has brought me to the parts of my life I have found the most pleasure in. It has served as a catharsis, a means of exploration and a way to analyze subjects and situations. My words help others create their living. My words are the voice and identity of a brand. I am a copywriter.

Outside of writing I am a farmgirl at heart seeking a quiet spot in the world to carve a peaceful kind of happiness for myself. I am a mother, a spouse and a home keeper, while I hold a full-time writing position at an advertising agency. Because I love to overload myself to the point of living life in a constant, mild state of a very real nervous breakdown, I have decided to board the Steemit train. Jokes aside, however, this Steemit endeavour is something I am doing for me, outside of "mother", "employee" or "spouse".

Words have always seduced me, mentally and emotionally. Subjects of particular interest to me include all things related to raising children, a complex and incredibly controversial subject. If you enjoy coming under fire for any opinion whatsoever at all regardless of your intent, writing about parenting strategies is riveting.

Anything that can be over-analyzed under a psychology spotlight will draw me in like a like a mermaid to fish tails (don't ask)! If you have an insight that leans ever-so-slightly in the direction that seeks to understand the complexities of the human condition, we shall definitely friends and I shall relish in all that you write.

I have an eye for marketing too. I am brilliant at constructing incredible ideas down to the finest detail around marketing campaigns or competitions without ever putting the slightest physical action to a single one. An extremely well-hidden talent, not by choice but rather a pure abulia, the inability to act.

I love cats, I like dogs, I adore all things exotic and thought-provoking. I live on tea and the occasional cookie is a welcome treat, too. Hikes in nature, swimming in the ocean, and road-trips feed my soul. I am always trying to find a new way to keep the local vervet monkeys out of my house and the goats that live next door out of my yard (they eat my beloved plants).

There I am, with all my pieces, both the broken and the happy.

Follow me, I shall probably follow you too, discovering a new place is always better with a friend or two.



Nice one dear you are welcome to steemit community keep posting and keep earning and most importantly tell a friend to tell a friend about

Thank you for the positive encouragement!


Thanks! Is that the correct tag?

I don't know how to edit my post :(