in #steemit7 years ago

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        We are equal. No skin color or amount of wealth can interfere with the fact that we are bounded together by the human form. We chose to be a part of this existence… and we still have the choice to come together or separate…this happens through thought


Separation will only attract an illusionary path of victimhood, like the world is out to make you suffer. With oneness as your expression you start to see, appreciate, and attract wholeness, in the humans you interact with, in the world you live in because your reality is just a reflection of where you thoughtfully stand. Today as for everyday, I stand here with you. No matter how dirty your shoes. I stand here with you. Some days I may come off grumpy or from a duality space, I am experiencing this, just as you are. Your form is beautiful no matter which mold you decide to wear in your day, your are a master piece. I like the way your edges are ripped and how your pages are filled with burn stains, your rough and rugged is holy. When we come together to admire the shades of the ego we carry and graciously share, we start to understand… it’s not that hard to love humans.


If we see each individual as aspects of ourselves naturally it assists us in becoming more understanding of “characteristics” that we experience in our day to day. EX: Someone experiencing jealousy, that jealousy is resulted in a fear; whatever that fear might be wether, an anxiety of abandonment or control problems, it is a result of a personal experience somewhere along the line of ancestral to present. We don’t just inherit Grandpas eyes and Mothers passion for cooking… we inherit emotional pain that has not been transformed, only recycled… into this existence. We have the fire to transform it, that is why it has been passed down the ages, placed in our structure. We aid the transmutation through embodying love.

So here we are… Transported in these intelligent bodies, embodying these intelligent souls, guided by these intelligent spirits, and here to play a major part in this intelligent world. It is NOT a mistake that we are given the course we are involved in. It is NOT a curse… IT IS A GOD DAMN PRIVILEGE TO BE ALIVE, IN ANY FORM WE COME! It is the finest Luxury that actually values your being… Life, IT IS A GOD DAMN PRIVILEGE TO BE ALIVE! All these stigmas that have been created to disconnect us from each other are easily broken… with thought


                                         These are the questions we need to ask more frequently:

How am I judging this person?

What feels uncomfortable?

Where have I experienced this uncomfortableness in my own life?

What part of the ego am I witnessing?

How can I understand this aspect of ego and what it is asking for to feel more secure?

Am I listening fully with out judgement?

Am I loving this human the best I can?

Just watch… watch your world start to seem familiar and connected as you become more present. Witness the beautiful humans that come to you in trust and vulnerability. Opening up their scars, telling memoirs of the wounds that seem to weigh them down. 

                                                                          We are in this TOGETHER!

It doesn't matter: your skin tone, the way you wear your hair, the drugs you’ve sold, the drugs you took, the lies you told, the anger you express, the way you dress, the tattoo on your face or the way you choose to live your life. That shit doesn’t matter… what matters is how are you using your heart !? Are you formulating walls or are you breaking them down? It’s time to be accountable for who you are and the footprint you leave behind. Stand tall in your being, knowing that each day is an opportunity to grow and better yourself so that the world can benefit from you. Take pride in this messy experience, play in the mud, laugh at how ridiculous you sound when a comment strokes your blazing flame. Be accountable… Own your shit… Be responsible for the stigmas you hold close to your heart and instead of pointing the finger be proactive. 

                                                           How can you bring the light out of the heat?



Yes it is!

That's why I hate those who does abortion.