We will create custom website for Steemers for FREE!
Hello, Steemers!
We are young married couple that is engaged in design and front-end development (HTML5, CSS3, JS, jQuery) of websites as freelancers for many years. This gives us the opportunity to work from home and we love it!
After much thought about how we can join the Steemit community, we seem to have come up with something interesting.
We want to offer design and front-end development services to all of the Steemit community members absolutely for free!
We would be interested in projects focused on Steemit, personal and thematic blogs, portfolios for creative persons, any other graphic or HTML/CSS work etc. Projects of people who have an idea but the budget for its implementation is limited, or those who just like the idea.
Probably you already asking yourself: “Why do they need it? How they going to make a profit on this?”.
It's simple: after completion of the project we will post it here on Steemit (with comments) and let people decide how much money we will get for it. So our income will depend on votes that we will get. These votes will be a great motivation for us to do our job even better because our reward will depend on them.
We think that it's a great business idea that became available to implement only because of Steemit. Just imagine: the customer will get the service for free and at the same time employee will be fairly rewarded (if the job was done well you will get a lot of votes, if not – try harder next time).
Looks like a nice initiative !
Interesting to see how it works out.
Awesome idea!
Thank you guys. Seems that I won't get enough upvotes to be noticed by potential customers :(
You only waited 15 minutes before quitting?
I'm not quitting! Just seen how fast some post gain votes and thought that mine has no chance to get noticed as it had only 5 votes when I wrote that comment.
Oh good.
Just fyi. The voting rules make it so people don't get full rewards if they vote before 30 minutes. You can also get more views if you put more tags on, so it shows up in more categories, like steem, steemit-ideas, blog, business.
Good luck with your project. Just posting the idea has already earned you a beer!
Thank you, didn't know it.
About tags: for some reason I thought that steemit is the most relevant.
I actually was wanting to know if you wanted to join our hangout next week and talk about this post and your interests in the space! RSVP here and bring your wife too?
P.S. You have the ability to add up to 5 tags. Use them all. If you add #beyondbitcoin as one I will almost always see and upvote it. Only thing is that it needs to have something to do with blockchain tech.
Thanks for joining up!

Thank you for invitation, we will definitely think about it.
Great idea, how could we see some of your recent work ?
Can you add in a portfolio of your work, like artworks and such? maybe this can be why not picking up yet...
Some small hosting company:

I would gladly talk to you guys behind the scenes about some cool ways you could earn on here. to to steemit.chat and make an account, then reach out to fuzzy in there ;)
Good idea. Im send you a message on email :)