Being an Outcast and Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

In our society there are many outcasts, people that are pushed away from the main bunch as they have something about them that is deemed undesirable. It is often seen as bad to push people away from society which it usually is, although being outside of society is often positive.

People become outcasts because they have something about them or an opinion that the majority don't like, but this does not mean they are inherently wrong. Throughout history there are many examples of opinions that were widely held as being correct with only a small group of outcasts opposing them and pushing for change, I don't like to use specific examples because every well known event is surrounded by too much political talk which takes away from the main point.

People who in the past were outsiders opposing the common view often become heroes in the eyes of many, my point being it is hard to tell what is inherently negative behavior when you are a part of it. In these situations you need outcasts, people who can look at a society from an outside perspective as they don't have internal influences.

Why do we make people outcasts?

Society in any form creates outcasts because of fear, if you fear an opinion or an action you try and get away from it and it away from you, naturally and understandably, if someones actions make others fearful they are removed as to not cause harm. The reason then outsiders can be so helpful is because they cause harm to parts of the system that needed to be changed, they point out the issue and spread awareness so it can be resolved.

So in some cases causing harm can be good, however there are also many people who become outcasts because they try to cause harm to systems or people with negative intent. This can also be a good thing because if a person is made an outcast through negative intent you can learn what caused that intent and attempt to stop it happening in the future.

My opinion + Steemit

It can often be hard to tell if you are in a negative cycle, whether that be your political standing or your personal relationships and that is why I think it is important to try to meteorically remove yourself from a situation and to look at the situation from an emotional and a logical standpoint.

This also applies to if you are an outcast, think why are you an outcast what caused you to be pushed away is it because you are trying to create positive change or are you just harming people and trying to only help yourself.
Having outsiders can always be useful and it is not always bad to be an outsider.

I think many people are on Steemit so they can find knowledge and information from people all around the world with different perspectives. Steemit has a community of people that are not afraid to share their honest opinion, and I like that. However I think there needs to be more people that are outcasts on Steemit giving their opinions.

I have been on this site for quite a long time now and I am a big fan of it and the community but I also think we have a lot of issues, there are to many people that are just trying to pander to what is popular to get popular themselves rather than trying to share real opinions. I so often see people saying vote for vote on their post, if you vote on my post I will vote yours and I think it causes huge issues with content and the growth of steemit.

I come to steemit to read and watch good quality content in a range of areas and doing vote for vote only promotes bad content, if all the votes people get are from that and not for the actual post then there is no reason for people to try an improve the quality of what they post. In the long run it will only cause people to make less money because as new people will come to Steemit only to see tons of that aren't very good, immediately putting them off. If they then do stay and post they might not want to stay long as they find they struggle to get any recognition unless they spam vote for vote all over the place.

I plan to go into more depth about this issue on steemit and would love to hear what people have to say in the comments.


This is the stuff that greatly interests me, talking about truth, talking about what matters, talking about your real opinions rather than just fluff. Totally deserves a re-esteem and I'd definitely love to hear more!

thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed. I think its really important to be honest about our opinions on steemit.

Interesting post

thank you!

Great Contribution.
make me happy to read.

Happy Steeming.

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