I Didn't Sign Up For This - Shutting Down My Witness And Seed Nodes

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

When I signed up for Steemit, 5 months ago, I was mesmerized. Social media done right, you said? I'm in!

I didn't just dive in, though, I took one month in which I posted for 30 days every day, to calibrate my efforts and to understand the system. There were a few things I didn't get right, but their impact seemed small. Things like people complaining about how the whole system is imbalanced and so on. I didn't give too much weight to these voices and I continued my quest into Steem. I was lucky to be supported on many of my posts by some high profile members of the community, including @ned and @dan.

I started to play with the software and installed a few instances on a few machines. Then I applied for a witness. I was also stoked to receive my first witness vote from @ned himself. Others followed through, including witnesses like @smooth, and in a matter of weeks I found myself in the top 50 witnesses.

As a witness, I went beyond just supporting the network at a physical level and started two interactive 30 days challenges, supporting content creation and engagement. I even paid (symbolic amounts of 1SBD, it's true) from my own pocket to other authors, to encourage them. As a result, I think there were roughly 400 new articles over a two months period, with 15-20 authors being supported. All from a single person, not a guild.

When @gtg asked for seed nodes, I was quick in setting up a public one and submitting it for inclusion in the official seednodes.txt of the Steem release.

But as time passed by 2 very interesting things happened.

  1. The voices complaining about the imbalance of the Steem ecosystem became more and more articulated. Not louder, but clearer.

  2. The fight for resources - the draining of the reward pool drama - became more and more evident.

And now we're in plain war.

There Is No "Experiment" Going On On Steemit - It's Just A Gang War

I know many people are refraining from posting these days, until the "experiment" is over. For those of you reading for the first time, the so called "experiment" is just a pretext for a group of whales, @abit and @smooth being the more vocal, with an initial support form @nextgencrypto / @berniesanders, (who seems to have stopped who just downvoted the shit out of this post too) to downvote as they see fit. In plain English, to drive the rewards from the reward pool in the direction they find "correct", no matter what other previous voters think. Please stop for a while and ponder that: no matter what you voted, they came in and take out your vote.

It didn't start out of nothing, this war. It builded up for months, in the chat rooms, with frequent complaints that some members are making too much money ( @krnel being the usual suspect). These complaints eventually transformed in actions and whales downvoting other people content soon started to look for justification. And now, under the pretext that "no whale will vote, to see how the minnows and dolphins will play", the whole Steemit has become a mess.

It's very similar with being afraid to go outside on the streets because there's some drug cartel war going on. Or fleeing Aleppo because there is a war in Syria. And so on. In the so called "eperiement", it's not only the money that gets "counteracted", but the people reputation is hurt. Every downvote decreases reputation. With no reason other than "I'm doing it because I want it and I don't give a shit about you".

The Political Support Of Wars

When Obama was elected, he promised to end all wars of the US. He didn't. Yet, he was still liked and loved by a relevant majority.

When the "experiment" started, @ned, the CEO of Steemit, had nothing to say about it. Absolute silence. I'm sorry Ned Scott, the CEO of Steemit, you supported me here a lot and I'm grateful for that, but when people are slaying other people rewards arbitrarily and you have nothing to say about it, it means you're an accomplice. You may declare, at a political level, that you're all for the good people and for peace and transparency and community and long term shit and yet, if you're doing nothing, you're just supporting the war.

Just like Obama. You will still be liked and loved but people will get hurt because you supported this war, by doing nothing.

You still control the @steemit account. With just a fraction of that account you could counteract any subversive action in this ecosystem. I understand you keep that account specifically for this type of situations. Well, you have a situation. And you still don't use that power.

Actions speak louder than words.

I'm Not Supporting This

As a witness, currently in the 36th position, I validate transactions on the Steem network. As an operator of a seed node, I contribute to the health of the network. I didn't cast any downvote since I'm here. Not even one, for testing purposes, you can check this out in the blockchain. Although, from a purely algorithmic point of view I may understand why downvoting is still present in the system, in real life, in real people interaction, I find it useless and disempowering.

I find the modus operandi of the current Steemit ecosystem abusive and arbitrary. From the CEO down to the witnesses who are still supporting this war by keeping the downvoting whales among the witnesses - both in the top 19 positions - it's clear that this is the direction they want to go.

I find this in stark contrast with the values and principles for which I signed up: transparency, empowerment and prosperity.

At this moment is just polarization - driving people against other people - opacity and lies. That's the reason I'm stopping my witness and seed node.

Effective now.


there are a lot of commies in the world and they were bound to find steemit sooner or later, the cry about unfair rewards was getting louder and louder.

didn't you know each and every post should be deserving of the same value? it's like they've implemented a maximum wage in this place lol

Its more of a user experience issue rather than political ideology. It isn't about communism vs capitalism it's about daily active users, monthly active users, returning users, new user signups, the price of steem, month over month growth etc. Most proposals I see floating about are for narrowing the disparity but not outright equalization.

Steemit has massive growth and retention issues that can be linked to inequality in staked voting and rewards outcome. There is a real issue we have when new users figure out it's not how many votes you get but that you get a vote from 1 of 20 people. It's a huge turn off and kills the user experience. It's not about communism it's about creating something attractive to new users that will keep them engaged so the entire system can prosper.

A few days ago I had a similar conversation with @lukestokes and he was still into Steem "long term" and stuff. A day later, he comes with a post named "I feel foolish now" and he is waiting for the "I told you so" comments from people who warned him.

Sorry but I have the feeling that our potential conversation will go into the same direction. I may try to convince you that the bs they're feeding you with "growth issues" and stuff is just a false flag for maintaining control over some money made out of thin air, but you wouldn't believe me. And then, a day, a week or a month after that you will post something just like Luke. And then I will have to tell you: "I told you so".

So I decide not to have this conversation with you. :)


I'm not being fed any BS about bad growth numbers. People generally don't lie about how bad they are doing so your premise is just silly on face value. Beyond the premise being silly, I came to the conclusion myself. I can discern for myself from publicly available data that Steem has growth and retention issues.

The only BS being spread is that making Steem a more successful platform that will be attractive to new users and prosperous for its investors is somehow a communist ideology.

I'm not being fed any BS about bad growth numbers.

The bad growth number is a real problem. The fact that they are using it as a pretext for arbitrary splitting of the rewards pool, against other people vote, that's BS. That was the thing I was referring to.

It's not BS though. The domination of the reward pool by a few people is a real problem that costs users. If narrowing the disparity increases user retention and new user signups then that will be beneficial for everyone holding Steem.

Anyways, best of luck to you elsewhere and don't worry I won't hold it against you when you comeback in a month or two ;)

Coming from an ex-communist country, I have like a sixth sense created to detect this bs. It may take longer for other people to see it, though.

be careful that you aren't TOO SUCCESSFUL on steemit! otherwise you'll be targeted and you'll lose lol


Yeap. I know this kind of fun oh, so well. Been there, done that, no thanks.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK i'm getting annoyed. l've lost all my "idols" man you guys with your values. :)

I can't say anything, the last month was a loss after a loss for me, out of the top5 and out of the 200 hopes I have for this place I'm left with 2 :D

"Losing" krnel was sad, saying fare thee well to dan was even harder,

I respect you and you are the main reason for my writings, I hope you can be happy with the changes and the improvements you have given others, you have given us more then you can write about :) I wish things didn't break so easily that is what I mean, I was wondering where your witness went, but I thought I was just wrong about something.

I hope you don't give up and if you have just tell us where we can follow you back :) well 95% is not that bad :| It's too early for me to quit, thank you for being there to show people a good example and I hope I can read your book, in your memory I will finish the challenge 30 I was thinking of giving this place a year to see where it goes, but I might cut it even shorter.

HF17 Commentary - you might re-think, as everyone else who has actually read it has done.

I disagree.
While still being on vacation I have no much idea about latest drama but my guidelines regarding flags are still valid. Whether it's called an experiment or not.
TL;DR they have their right to use their SP as they will.
(btw IMO experiment was not needed).

"Every downvote decreases reputation"

That's not true.

There's a lot of misunderstanding and bad emotions around other people decisions. Maybe making few steps back to get wider and fresh perspective would help.

Nonetheless thank you for your service.

It's not bad emotion around other people decision. And I fully agree that everybody can do everything he/she wants with their SP. That doesn't mean I have to accept that.

Everybody can do everything he/she wants with an axe, for instance, but that doesn't mean I have to stay there to get slashed.

Thank you for being polite and supportive and good luck with everything you set up to do.

If you don't want to accept the rewards other people is giving to you, there is always a decline payout option.

Earth to @abit: what the fuck are you talking about, dude?

That doesn't mean I have to accept that.

Then what's the point of posting on Steemit? I could just continue to post on Medium or Facebook or Twitter.

Your major selling point is "blog and get paid". How can you take payment out of discussion every time it's becoming uncomfortable? You're acting with double standards. And that's what's lowering your credibility big time, as a platform, as a team and as a currency.

HF17 Commentary - you might re-think, as everyone else who has actually read it has done.

I actually have thought a lot as I've said a few times and I did read your post yesterday, I'm still not sure what will happen, It seems like we have already forked :D but only time will tell. They don't seem to be up to change it or to listen to the community. I'm almost 80% against the HF, it can turn out good but who knows, I'm not sure as I've said. Depends on the people, if everybody starts gaming the flood gates and just posts twitter style messages with one picture and a paragraph for 2-3-4$ :|

There's no magic bullet by the way, and nobody in this world is a social platform expert. Throw blockchain into the mix, and it's a rather different beast. There's no point "blaming" others for what they're doing. Situation's not a simple as it seems, although it's true that Steemit Inc needs to step up their communication.

The coin is what you make of it.

Please, pretty please, don't try to sell me this. I appreciate your posts and your line of thinking and I don't see any reason why you should insult my intelligence or put in my mouth words I've never spoken.

I'm not saying anything abut blockchain. I'm saying stuff about values. They're independent of any technology. We could have built a social media platform with sticks and stones and still values would have been fundamental to all this.

The tech behind Steemit is great, but the people are disappointing, to say the least. From where I am right now, it looks like a very elaborate scam, and nobody from Steemit INC has yet stepped up to tell me otherwise. Or, even better, to prove me otherwise.

I repeat: I used to be a witness and run a seed node. I wasn't incidentally here, you know? I didn't blog for $0.1 per post and got frustrated when I didn't have rewards anymore. I've been right in the middle of all this for the past 5 months.

What I do agree with, though, is that

The coin is what you make of it.

That's why I'm choosing to do something different with all my time, skills and gear I put to work for Steemit so far.

I don't see how that's insulting anyone's intelligence. All I'm saying is basically "shit happens", anyway, I've crossed it as I can see how it can be misinterpreted - sorry for that.

Anyways, I wish that you'd choose to stay.

we all do but we have to fix our "garden"

HF17 Commentary - you might re-think, as everyone else who has actually read it has done.

It's almost like a stake-weighted society isn't the best model... Who could have seen that coming?

< /snark>

Or at least a stake-weighted society that systematically amplifies the influence of the highest stakeholders.

Sorry to hear you are fed up with the way things are going and decided to shut it down man. :/

You can always disable your witness too so the network doesn't lag when you are supposed to be producing blocks:

update_witness "dragosroua" "http://witnessurl.org" "STM1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm" {"account_creation_fee": "42.000 STEEM","maximum_block_size": 65536,"sbd_interest_rate": 2000} true

^ this command will tell the network you are done producing blocks and sign your witness off. if you still have a cli_wallet running somewhere and you can import your active key for your account into it will help us all out. :)

Good luck to you sir, I'm sorry to hear you are out of the witness game with a bad taste in your mouth.

update_witness "dragosroua" "http://witnessurl.org" "STM1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm" {"account_creation_fee": "42.000 STEEM","maximum_block_size": 65536,"sbd_interest_rate": 2000} true

Are you sure it shouldn't be false instead of true as the last argument of the command?

Nevertheless, I'm not gonna do this. I leave it up to the network to deal with it, mirroring the behavior which generated all this. If top witnesses like @abit and @smooth are playing around with other people votes without any sign of concern or communication, I see no reason to support this in any way. I'm not feeling good while acting like this, but I know that in just a few hours I will reach the limit where the network will just invalidate my witness for too many missed blocks.

If you did do it, true is the correct value.

No "s around the key.

Friend Dragos,

This is the worst news I've seen all day. You've been a good friend, a solid witness, and a great contributor to my Steemit experience. You've taught me things that are likely to "stick." In other words, I appreciate you, man!

And so I'm disappointed to hear that you're considering "pulling the plug" both literally and figuratively. I hope you'll reconsider. This community, should it continue and prosper, could really use your ongoing influence.

Meanwhile, please accept my hearty "Thank You" for all you've done, both for the community and for your lessons and challenges here. I wish you well in all that you do, and would like to stay in touch - preferably here on Steemit, but if not, I would like to at least hear how your Hubcoin project prospers as time goes on.

Summary; Please reconsider, and nevertheless, thanks again!



Thank you, really appreciate our interaction here and all your support.

At the moment, I simply don't want to associate my image and my work (as a witness supporting a network) with something that I consider fishy and against the initial values which got me here.


Understood. Peace to you as well, friend! :)


So.. I'm putting you down as a 'no' then :)

[imgage reference]

There is no experiment, people. You're being played. Some people are playing with your mind, nicknaming abuse as "the experiment". I'm simply not buying this.

That doesn't mean you can't. It's a free world.

I am strongly in favor of what they are doing.

And your rewards are strongly showing it. QED :)

not everything is about rewards.

Agree. Generally speaking, not everything is abut rewards. In the Steemit universe, though, everything is revolving around the reward pool. That's why it became so toxic.

That is a mischaracterization IMO. I have made many posts pushing for a change along these lines, and there has not really been a measurable change in my payouts based on the experiment. (I had a $90 payout from a post right before it started..) I have had most of my posts downvoted this week too, just like everyone else. My support for the experiment has nothing to do with my rewards.

You have right now a $40 payout pending on one of your posts. Just saying. Where's the mischaracterization here?

I remember the days where you would see this kind of statements on the chat for much less than that:

"@smooth, we have to take care of this @krnl situation, this is going out of hands".

And, diligently, @smooth countervoted until the reward got low.

How long until you become a target?

You are implying a connection that is not there. I do not support the experiment because of anything related to my rewards. I would be fine if it got downvoted, and I would still support the experiment. I support the experiment because I believe very strongly that empowering the regular users is necessary for the platform to advance. If the voting and rewards continue to be a game decided only among a handful of 50 or so users, with the rest of the community feeling powerless - the site will never scale.

Good luck with that.

We are actively working on solutions to politics that are stressing out users. One of my first posts was about Flags. Going votes for flags is one way to deal with it, but I would prefer to take care of problems at the root. Ive always appreciated your posts and contributions. I hope you'll stay close

Thanks for finding the time to comment, @ned, appreciate it. Also, I thank you again for all your support during my involvement in this project.

As for "politics that are stressing out users" I honestly think you're in denial here. There are no stressed out users here. There is a fucking Fukushima-sized meltdown! And the radioactivity is spreading like a virus.

You started this project almost a year ago and you launched it publicly in July last year. That gives around 8 months of being on the market. If at the end of 8 months all you have is an average of only 5000 users daily, then your business simply doesn't exist.We're talking about a market in which the top player has more than a billion users. A billion! And you have 5000. If I want, I can gather 5000 people and I'm a single person, with no dev team, no tech, and certainly not $17 mils in capitalization. As a matter of fact, I actually have 5000 friends on Facebook, and a bit over 6k followers on Twitter. I'm giving you these numbers with the honest intention for you to wake up and to realize where you are. Like, really.

Your business is 95% people and 5% code. And you're keep acting like it's the other way around. Keep trying to find another distribution algorithm. Soon there will be no people here to distribute the rewards to, other than the initial circle of friends.

I'm not deciding to stop my support for this network on a whim, not after all the time I invested here. This project spiraled down so low that I simply find it ridiculous to have my name (which is not even some big name, I'm well aware of that) associated with it. It's filled with negativity, with lack of respect, with self-entitlement. Who wants to consume that? Who wants to be part of a project like that?

It's not too late to change things around here, if you really want. But with every day that passes, it's more and more difficult.

Wishing you all the best!

'You started this project almost a year ago and you launched it publicly in July last year. That gives around 8 months of being on the market. If at the end of 8 months all you have is an average of only 5000 users daily, then your business simply doesn't exist' You are absolutely right. However, during most of that time the 'Flag only for plagiarism' norm was largely in effect. You yourself said that what you call abusive downvotes only started a couple of months ago. So clearly there is more to the issue. We agree on the observed problems, even to a large extent on their severity, even if not necessariy on the precise causes

Interesting observation

Down-votes are like fines. A down vote is brutally negative and should be reserved for blatantly negative posts and spam. Using it on someone's post that is not brutally objectionable would amount to issuing a fine at a dinner party.

HF17 Commentary - you might re-think, as everyone else who has actually read it has done.

Once upon a time I played a game with a friend, it was warhammer or alike, I can't remember. We were in the same house, two different room, same net. We just played it for the fun of it. So I thought. He always won. A day I discovered why: he was cheating.
It was just a game, no money, and yet he liked so much the idea of being the winner, that he decided to cheat. I couldn't understand: where's the fun? I believe the fun it's to win complying to the common rules.
Now think about it when there are money involved. People get stupid. They act strategically to gain money, beyond any other meaning in replying, resteeming, upvoting and so on. It's human being at his/her “best” (sarcasm).

Totally agree with that. I see more and more this platform focusing on a scarcity mindset of "not having enough" and that will eventually put it down. Unfortunately.

As for cheating, I have an even funnier experience, at an ultramarathon of 48 hours, which was ran across a 1 km lap, around the end of it we discovered that one of the runners was cutting the laps when nobody was seeing him. After 40 hours of running, he was still thinking to do this. Hilarious and sad, at the same time :)