May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Eleven: What’s More Important For Steemit Right Now: Smart Media Tokens or Hivemind?

in #steemit6 years ago

Welcome to the eleventh day of the May 30 days writing challenge. If you don't know what this challenge is about, please have a look at the introductory post. Also, at the end of each article I will post the links to all the posts in the challenge (if you're joining the challenge, I encourage you to do the same). Also, if you join, don't forget to tag your post with #challenge30days and also leave a comment with the link of your post, so I can evaluate if you're one of the 3 lucky Steemians that will get a full upvote from me.

What’s More Important For Steemit Right Now: Smart Media Tokens or Hivemind?

Let's start this with a disclaimer: I don't think there is an ultimate, correct answer to this question. Today's topic is meant more like an invitation to conversation and not necessarily like a final decision on where Steemit should head right now.

With that being said, let's proceed...

To Be Honest, Hivemind...

From what I'm seeing on Hivemind's Github repository so far (following closely @roadscape's work on it) it looks like it will fill a very nasty gap between the bare blockchain and the rich user experience that we're all missing now. And user experience is fundamental for mass adoption.

Hivemind is a layer which allows you to build a Facebook / Instagram / Twitter clone on top of the Steemit blockchain in a much consistent - and standardized - way. As of now, Steemit is rather rough around the edges and even busy, org, which is a class above it form a UI perspective, is not ideal. What's really missing right now from Steemit, as a social media product, is usability. So now, I think Hivemind is the feature that should be rolled out first.

Don't get me wrong, I still believe SMTs will deeply disrupt the Steemit ecosystem, and they will probably generate a lot of new products and communities, but this is a very intricate feature and it requires a more complex set of skills to implement, manage and improve. That means it has a shorter market niche and a slower impact.

Your turn now. Which one do you think it's more important: Hivemind or Smart Media Tokens? Leave a link to your post in the comments so I can check it out.

Previous Posts In The Challenge

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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Do you know why the steem blockchain had some issues today?

Well, obviously Hivemind! Convenience is the word for the next wave of Steem users.

To be entirely honest, what is most important right now is that Steemit Inc starts shipping something. It doesn’t really matter anymore what as long as we see something happening because ever more it seems that after @dan left this is becoming a vaporware roadmap blockchain.

Don’t get me wrong, many early stage companies underestimate the work scaling can require and also how to become a company. But there’s some things which raise way too many flags, such as the app (compare message delivered at SteemFest2 to Ned’s update post), the constant mention of work on scaling (create a team to focus solely on that but continue the rest as well), while I’m not sure agile method is necessarily the optimal method for a blockchain (SF/HF), surely for frontend and app Steemit should have been agile since its earliest days, etc...


I mean, I cannot applaud this first sentence enough. I've been in technology since 1985, and any other company operating like stinc and dependant on real outside investors or with a board controlling the executives would be dead as doornails by now.

HF20 surely is another nail in the coffin of waterfall. Or maybe just in the performance of post-Dan Steemit Inc?

At this point I would be happy just with a fluorescent unicorn background even. At least we would see something being shipped, right?

The difference in message about the mobile app is unforgivable and proves that there’s something seriously wrong in the tech org of Steemit Inc.

How can it “not be as good as you want” after all that time? Surely wireframes existed and the app was developed accordingly.

Or should we read in between the lines and face the reality that the codebase sucks because that ranks otherwise among the slowest app approvals EVER by Apple Inc. Which usually is a testimony of shit code. Simple as. Many manage to get their app approved at first attempt.

In fact, I currently have 4 indie developed Steem apps for iOS installed on my phone. Indie meaning no gazillions of ninja-mined Steem available to fund development. 🤷‍♂️

Addendum: just saw this image and while not totally related it totally is.


haha great photo. So on my resume is over 4 years as Director of Technology for a social networking app that ran on desktops, iphones and android. Having been through the submission processes with my teams products over the years, I agree with you once again. Obviously you have some time in the biz, unlike the student driver interns driving the ship over at our favorite nicely coiffed dev shop.

Even when our app blew it with major fails, we could appeal and get the apps out the door in less than 3 days in every single case, and when they didn't blow up, we got them out within the same day in most cases. You can even take a fast track option and accelerate that review in many cases for routine oop's that need a do-over on a release.

But hey, speaking of slow releases, aren't we still waiting on milestone items from 2016, 2017 and expected-already 2018 releases? Oh yeah... we are.

But do you like the new logo and pencil button though?

Ah those roadmaps.

I think first thing they did when going agile was icebox the main task for 2016: find a CEO.

Because that’s what Steemit Inc. needs most and we definitely deserve.


You sir are a new hero of mine for that one remark alone! :D

I agree Dragos, Hivemind should be rolled out first. If SMTs will come out in a rough ecosystem, this will probably generate an initial wave toward Steem, but regular people will not stay if the user experience isn't as expected.

At this stage of the game, it's still fertile ground for many innovative initiatives (e.g., SMTs, Hivemind, Smart Wallet, etc.).

In the end, I'm hoping that the mass adoption of cryptocurrency and the mainstreaming of blockchain technology paves the way for the next global economy where decentralization makes greedy middlemen obsolete (AKA: Buckminster Fuller's prediction).

And in my lifetime I would be delighted to see the drudgery of cheaply compensated manual labor replaced by efficient smart machines; hence, freeing up more time for what I consider more noble and productive ways to spend one's personal time (the MOST VALUABLE COMMODITY that anyone possesses).

That will herald the beginning of an economy where contributions to humanity, a fair global economy and human creativity is duly rewarded.

Until then, my eyes and my mind are wide open.

Thanks for the thought provoking post.

Namaste, JaiChai

I don't understand SMT's. I THINK I might have a clue about HiveMind. I like it.
No doubt in my mind that it should be first and SOON.

One other thing.. in a previous post you mentioned Busy, Dlive, Dtube and some others, particularly the one(s) which allow steemers to sell things for SBD.. We need and easy and VISIBLE method of cross-access....yesterday.

That's a big thing and the moment Steemit is not taking advantage of it.

Again, an interesting topic to talk about. I really had to take my time to study it thoroughly, so I'm glad I could learn something new.

Here is my entry:

I'm very happy to send this post - I had technical troubles today - very tiring :)

What's More Important for Steemit - Smart Media Tokens or Hivemind?

I would agree with you on this for the points you made.

The other issue in my mind is regulation. Will there be issues with SMTs legally speaking? In effect you will be able to do a type of ICO on the Steem Blockchain so will this be an issue and will this cause delays for issuing SMTs? There is so much uncertainty here prioritising hivemind sounds like a good idea.